Southern Summer

sweet tea

I always feel like a character in a Tennessee Williams novel when the dog days of summer hit.  The sultry heat envelopes me when I step outside to test the morning temperature.  Thoughts of lying in a hammock, gently swaying in the a light ocean breeze sound heavenly!  Of course, there will be plenty of sweet tea to sip and, perhaps, a mint julep for later in the day.


I love the sound of cicadas making their soft whirring sounds in the trees surrounding our home.  Although everything I read about cicadas tells me they only emerge every seventeen years to mate, I still hear them.  Maybe there is another insect that mimics their sound, I don’t know, but I find their summer symphony soothing.

crepe myrtle

Crepe myrtles are laden with luscious blooms in colors so bright, they truly say summertime to me.  Their woody trunks that wind skyward, crowned with blooms create quite a show, especially when planted as a border.

PicMonkey Collage georgia veggies

My favorite summer produce is in the markets, fresh corn, so sweet and juicy……okra, perfect for frying or adding to shrimp gumbo…..and gorgeous Georgia peaches, there is nothing like them.  I’m dreaming of homemade ice cream sandwiches made with ginger cookies and freshly churned peach ice cream…..ahhhhhhhh, yummy!

spanish moss

I find myself staying indoors, away from the muggy hot weather that greets me whenever I venture outside.  I live for the changing of the tide when the soft breeze moves over our property causing the Spanish moss that gracefully drapes the tree branches to sway….ever so slowly.  Summer in the South is a very special season, I’m enjoying it more this year than I have before since I decided to focus on the bounty of produce that is not available at any other time and the chance to catch up on reading wonderful books I might not otherwise bother with.  It’s the only time of year when one can say, “It’s just to hot to be outside…..I think I’ll take a nap!”.  Enjoy the summer, walk on the beach…..take a staycation and be a tourist for a few days.  It refreshes the soul and gives one a renewed sense of the wonder we are surrounded by here on this beautiful island!

One Response

  1. Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:

    We are counting the days until September — and we’re hoping the weather will not be too hot for our poor Northern bodies. Indiana does have hot weather but July this year has been wonderful. Keep cool and have an Aperol Spritz.

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