Isn’t She Lovely

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I’ve gotten to know Dayna Caldwell over the past few months and am delighted to be sharing this post with you today.  Dayna has recently been named “Director” of the wonderful Left Bank Art Gallery, owned  by Millie Wilcox.  Millie has shared her love of art and her fine eye for selecting just the right pieces for her gallery and clients over the past forty-eight years.  When choosing a new director for the gallery she, once again, used her finely tuned ability to select the best and appointed Dayna.

View from Chateau Amboise_France_June2008

For years Dayna thought she wanted to be an elementary school teacher.  She has always been very academic, attending Michigan State University to earn her teaching degree.  But destiny had other plans for this lovely young woman.  As part of her degree program she traveled to France and studied for a year.  While living with an artist and her daughter, Dayna got the opportunity to savor the French life and found that she loved it.  She also found that she loved art, all kinds of art.

Vouvray wine tasting_France_June2008

She was privileged to tour the fabulous French chateaux, the Loire in Paris and other fine galleries when she traveled to the city of romance on the weekends.  Dayna loved the people, the food, the wine, the whole experience of living with the French and savoring their joie de vivre.   This experience set Dayna on a different course.  She found herself drawn to objects and artwork she saw in French museums, so much so that by the end of her year there she knew she wanted to study art history.  Everything came together for her as she went on to graduate school and received her Master’s Degree from the Savannah School of Art & Design.

millie wilcox

Mildred Wilcox…Monet’s Garden

It was a fateful evening several years ago when Dayna, working as a server at the local Bonefish restaurant, found herself in what can only be called a moment of destiny.  One of her customers that evening, the late Susan Hardwick, saw something in Dayna and knew she had to introduce her to her dear friend, Millie.  The rest is history.  Dayna has taken over the reins at Left Art Bank Gallery, giving Millie the time to travel and discover more treasures to share with us all.

chilean tapestry

Among Dayna’s many interests is a deep appreciation for the women weavers of Chile and the tapestries they produced during the political upheaval there forty years ago.  These politically themed weavings depict what happened during that time. Dayna will be speaking in St. Petersburg, Florida on September 14th, where the 40th anniversary of the Chilean coup will be celebrated.   She will share these wonderful weavings with attendees in a Power Point presentation she has created.


After this event, Dayna will return to St. Simons Island to continue her work with the Left Bank Art Gallery and the Mildred Huie Museum.  She speaks fondly of Millie and her love of the atmospheric quality on St. Simons Island that reminds her of Normandy, France.  Millie has been a tremendous mentor for Dayna, their shared love of art is sure to continue offering all of us beautiful works from talented people all over our area and abroad.  I’ll keep you posted on events and plans as they develop.  I have a feeling we’re all in for some fabulous openings and educational events to delight and inspire us all!  For more information on the gallery:

6 Responses

  1. Jeanne....Collage of Life Says:

    I so admire you Melissa for all that you do for your community. It looks to me to be a labor of love. How lucky they all are to have the benefit of your enthusiasm. Keep doing what you are doing…for you do it so well! xx

  2. Melissa Says:

    You just made my day Jeanne! Thank you so much for your kind words.

  3. Dayna C Says:

    Here is a link to the event on Sept. 14, 2013 in St. Petersburg:

  4. Dayna C Says:

    To learn more about the Chilean arpilleristas, listen to my interview with Rob Lorei of WMNF 88.5 FM in Tampa Florida. It will air on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 11am. It will be live-streamed on Rob’s “Radioactivity” talk show here:

  5. Melissa Says:

    Thanks for sharing this information with readers, Dayna!

  6. Maggie Dutton Says:

    Dayna, So proud to know such a beautiful young woman – both inside and out. You are truly an asset to our Community!

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