Home Sweet Home

For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of helping build a “Habitat for Humanity” home.  My chance to help came unexpectedly last Thursday when my good friend, Patricia, invited me to come along with the Davis Love Foundation staff members and work on a home that is under construction on Blaine Street in Brunswick.  I jumped at the chance!  Read more about the Foundation and the good things they do here:  http://www.mcgladreyclassic.com/tournament-information/host-organization/


There are actually two homes being constructed, side by side on Blaine.  Bert Brown, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Glynn County, Georgia was there to greet us as we arrived and were given an assignment of either helping install vinyl siding to the outside of the home or painting all of the interior walls with primer.  I chose the latter task.


These homes are well constructed, put together by groups of volunteers from local churches, organizations, local businesses and individuals who partner with Habitat to provide a low income family with a home of their own.  The home we worked on will be a haven for a single Mom and her child when it is completed.


I was amazed at how open and light the structures are.  These simple two bedroom, one bath homes provide a lovely, cozy environment in which to live.  Read more about the history of Habitat for Humanity here: http://www.habitat.org/how/historytext.aspx.   Habitat has built over 500,000 homes since 1976 across the United States and in 99 foreign countries.


By the time we finished work, shortly after noon, almost all of the siding was completed.  Amazing how quickly a busy team can pull things together!  And the interior was completely primed, but not without a bit of paint finding its way all over me, Patricia and a few splatters on our co-painter, Robin….all in a days work!  We are still laughing about our new names, assigned to us by Pat’s husband….”Laverne and Shirley”…..to which my teenage daughter inquired….”Who’s that?”.  I will be directing her to YouTube to find an old episode with which to educate herself shortly!  Our senses of humor are well intact and we had a great day helping.


Click here: http://www.habitatglynncounty.org/ to read more about our local Habitat for Humanity Group, current projects and how you can help.  This is such an important group.  The homes they provide to lower income families who otherwise could not afford a home of their own is invaluable.


One Response

  1. Gwyn Says:

    Great job, Melissa!

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