Wednesday Word


What an important word.  It applies to many circumstances in life and one I remember regularly when dealing with difficult situations.  I have long believed that there are two sides to every story.  I also believe that unless you are inside of another person’s head you cannot imagine what they are experiencing.  Being able to find the peaceful core within you and speak from there is so very important.  Dealing with children demands this as does dealing with the elderly.  Patience can be pushed the point of breaking but it is necessary to stop and take a deep breath, put things into perspective and go from there.  If only all of the politicians in the crazy presidential race would practice composure it would be so much better, don’t you think?  The definition on-line is “serenity….self-controlled state of mind….tranquility….calmness.  We absolutely DO have the ability to control our thoughts and not over react to what life brings us.  Composure is a good word everyday, not just Wednesday.  Practicing the art can literally change your life!



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