It’s hard to believe six months have already passed since we moved to the New Orleans area. It has been a time of personal growth, family bonding and support of each other in ways we never dreamed possible. Many people who have never visited this area think of the French Quarter when they think of New Orleans or they remember the horror of Hurricane Katrina. But there are so many parts to this historic city I look forward to sharing with you over the coming months.

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The quaint street cars that run up and down St. Charles Avenue…

10 Best
The Garden District with its historic homes and the famous Commander’s Palace….

The Uptown Area with its charming architecture and family atmosphere….

And the people themselves. The residents of New Orleans have a heart as big as the city itself and then some. The people here have high spirits and they know how to survive just as well as they know how to enjoy life to the fullest. I am proud to be a part of this area, even though we live on the North Shore. I am finding more and more history of interest and places to visit and photograph….I’m making a list! And the food….I don’t even need to tell you about the cuisine of New Orleans. I’ll be sharing news of restaurants and chefs as well as menus and recipes for you to try at home. My life here has only just begun. I cannot wait to share it all with you through my eyes.
One Response
Jeanne@Collage of Life Says:
Congratulations Melissa! Looking forward to your new discoveries! All the best, Jeanne xx