In his book, “Hotel New Hampshire”, John Irving uses the term, “keep passing the open windows” throughout the story as a term for survival. It always makes me think about what we see through windows on a daily basis that we take for granted. So much of life passes by unnoticed by us until something drastic happens and we are “jolted” into consciousness. Being aware of our surroundings is so very important. When I become aware that I’m taking things for granted I stop, take a deep breathe and look around me at all of the wonder of my world. We each see things differently, we have our own interpretations and view points. It’s what makes life interesting, what keeps it fresh and always changing.

You may see a pastoral country scene from your window……

Or a city skyline.

Maybe it’s the ocean that you crave and want to surround yourself with.

Whatever it is that makes you happy…….find it! Don’t wait to experience and savor the things that make you happy, that really have meaning!

It’s a new week, a new beginning with new challenges. Embrace each moment and live them to the fullest. And you might ask yourself as each new day dawns….am I really living? It’s a good question with an answer only you can know. Find the path you’ve been looking for and set your feet upon it. You never know what you may find!
5 Responses
Harold Michael Harvey Says:
This is a very inspirational post. I am inspired to live more, to do more, to give more, to see more than ever before.
Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:
What a great way to start the week — a look inside our hearts and minds. How many of us say ” I wish–” Well, if we wish how about I will do “whatever”. I already know one thing I want to accomplish this week. Great post.
Melissa Says:
Thank you friends! I’m so happy you both enjoyed the post!
Velda Brotherton Says:
Your post actually made me turn and gaze out the two windows in the office where I work. What a wonderful world lies in our grasp if only we take the time to look at it. I try also to watch the scenery that passes the car windows as I drive the 25 miles into town. A bluff on one side, a rock strewn river on the other. Wild flowers surround the highway in reds, yellows and whites.
Ann Payne Price Says: