The Long Writing Road


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I don’t remember a time when I didn’t dream of making a living as a writer.  Keeping diaries as a child….graduating to journals when that came into vogue….dreaming and dreaming.  My dreams came true in 2014!  Thanks to this blog I developed a platform on-line that has served me well!

Long Writing Road 1

I signed two contracts this year with a wonderful publishing house.  The first in my children’s book series will debut in February of 2015.  My first novel will be split into five separate stories and debut in 2016.  I’m pinching myself with happiness over all that is happening….all the goodness that is coming my way at long last.

PicMonkey Collage the ladies

I also learned how to play again in 2014!  Thanks to a lovely group of outstanding professional women.  We have a touch of mischief, just enough to make our time together memorable and fun!  Integrating play with work is so very important.  I intend to continue my adventures in 2015, meeting more wonderful people….featuring more history and stories….connecting the past and present in this beautiful place we call home.

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I’m making a new “TaDa” list for 2015.  Not resolutions….I am resolving to do certain things to keep the positive flow going!  I’m promising to listen to my body and feed it what makes it feel best…to take time for myself, a break from it all, more often.  Stay with me on the journey!  2015 promises to be a fabulous new year and I am READY!  I begin each day with a big THANK YOU!  Arms outstretched, palms up….fingers stretched apart in order to receive all of the goodness life has to offer.  Cheers to new beginnings!


8 Responses

  1. Ann Payne Price Says:

    Congrats on your accomplishments thus far. So proud and happy for you. Enjoy your blog every day.


  2. Gwyn Littell Says:

    Melissa, I know we are all looking forward to hearing all about! You “GO GIRL”!

  3. Evelyn Says:

    Congratulations on your book deals! Looking forward to reading them! I am enjoying getting to know you and the other ladies! Happy New Year Melissa! Thank you for all the great info you post about our beautiful and interesting area!

  4. Melissa Says:

    Thank you ladies! I am so lucky to do what I am passionate about! I’ll be posting as the books come out!

  5. Marisa Franca @All Our Way Says:

    I’m looking forward to following your journey. Congratulations on your contracts. What a wonderful way to complete a year. I toasting to an even better year coming up!!!

  6. Melissa Says:

    When you’re back on the island we’ll meet and toast in person! Have a wonderful New Year’s celebration, Marisa!

  7. Kathy Mashburn Says:

    Dear Sweet Melissa, you inspired me the first time I laid eyes on you and we chatted like old friends. That continued in 2014 and I believe will reach much greater heights in 2015. I’m so proud of you! Cheers and TaDas to us both in the New Year! Love, Light, and Hugs ~ Kathy

  8. Melissa Says:

    Thank you Kathy! I’m blessed to call you my friend! Happy New Year to you….much love….big hugs and dreams fulfilled!

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