The Happy Flower

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My favorite fall flower, the Chrysanthemum, can be found in shops and displays, pots and planters…..they truly symbolize the season.  Rich in history, Chrysanthemums first grew in China as far back as the 5th century BC.   Considered a flowering “herb”, their petals were and still are used in tea making.  Their deep green leaves are used in Asian cooking, steamed as we do greens of other varieties, to this day.  But if you decide to try this, please make sure your plant is pesticide free!mums 4 lg

The plant made its way to Japan in the in the 8th century AD.  The Emperor loved the blooms so much he made this beautiful flower his official seal.  To this day the “Festival of Happiness” celebrates the Chrysanthemum each year, its brilliant colors popping with energy and fragrance.

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You’ll find ancient Chinese pieces embossed with the flower that finally made its way to America in 1798 when Colonel John Stevens imported a cultivated variety known as ‘Dark Purple’ from England.

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The plants also have a natural insecticidal quality and appear with the name “Pyrethrum” in powder form.  The powder will inhibit female mosquitoes from biting….good to know here on the island!

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The NASA Clean Air Study actually found that Chrysanthemum plants have been shown to reduce indoor air pollution.  Who knew?

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Now that I’ve shared the history of this beautiful fall bloomer you have even more reason to buy them for decoration.  They add so much to any entryway, garden path…just about any place you want some beautiful color!  I always plant them in my garden after they’ve begun to lose their blooms.  I’m always amazed at how they bloom perennially, year after year!  Enjoy the beauty of the season…..go find some Chrysanthemums!



One Response

  1. Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:

    I love mums!! There are so many varieties and the colors are jewel-like. I’ll have to get some plants and put them throughout the house.

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