I’m celebrating feeling so much better this fine Sunday morning. My range of motion is up to 108% from 70% just after surgery. My goal is 130%…..we’re making progress. I’m back on a bike, the stationary kind. I love good Bosa Nova music, so when I stumbled over this mix of well known tunes I thought it would be fun for a change! I hope you enjoy it and that you have a blessed day with family and friends! It’s summertime, the living is easy and it’s time to ENJOY and be thankful!
2 Responses
Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:
So glad to hear you’re improving — I can just imagine how happy you’ll be to do all the things you’ve been postponing. Have a wonderful Sunday. We’ve been following the weather there.
Harold Michael Harvey Says:
I am so enjoying the musical selection this morning, as I always do, but this one is perfect for a mid July Sunday morning. Thanks