I read a wonderful post on a blog recently, it dealt with the concept of going quietly within to find the answers to life’s problems. Having been meditating for decades, off and on, this got me to think about all of the stresses and issues I am faced with on a daily basis. It is true that finding that quiet spot within, taking the time to stop and breathe deeply, then quietly asking for answers works. I invite you to try it today. There is a voice within that speaks truth to us when we allow it. And for some soothing music to help you on your way go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRjllL-MP0U And to read the post I’ve mentioned go here: http://www.linenandlavender.net/2013/06/seek-and-you-shall-find.html. Silent = Listen…same letters, different order. Have a wonderfully Simple Sunday!
2 Responses
Kathy Says:
Great message! Thanks for sharing. Big Hugs!
Melissa Says:
Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy! Hugs back to you, dear friend!