On The Radio

What a pleasure to have time to talk with Michael Hulett and his wonderful manager, Joe Polezoes.  Join us to hear all about Michael’s singing career, how it all began and the many positive things that are happening as Michael’s career continues to blossom.

Finally Friday!

The new year is underway!  In trying to decide what to take to the celebration we attended at our friend’s home here on the beach I thought of many different things I could prepare.  Ultimately I chose three of them and made a platter of finger foods that turned out to be yummy and perfect for the occasion!  I’m sharing what I made as well as the recipes.  This was a great trio of dishes to present on a large platter for friends to enjoy!  Let me know if you try any of these……I think they are divine!

Roasted Chickpeas

 Bleu Cheese Pecan Ball

Mediterranean Palmiers

roast chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas

This simple recipe comes straight from Martha Stewart Living.  I have heard of roasting chickpeas and intended to try it way before now.  I had the ingredients in hand and thought it would be the perfect little crunchy accompaniment to the rest of the dishes.  I was not wrong!

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 cans chickpeas, rinsed, drained, and patted dry

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 tablespoon cumin seed (I used powder and it worked perfectly)

Coarse salt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Pour olive oil on a rimmed baking sheet and place in oven until oil is hot, 3 minutes.  In a medium bowl, combine chickpeas, cayenne pepper, and cumin.  Season with salt and toss to combine.  Place chickpea mixture on hot baking sheet and spread in a single layer.  Bake until chickpeas are crisp, 10 to 12 minutes.  With a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels and let cool slightly.  Serve warm.

bleu cheese pecan ball

Bleu Cheese Pecan Ball

1 8 ounce package cream cheese

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

3 dashes Tabasco hot sauce

1/4 teaspoon coarse salt

dash of ground white pepper

6 ounces Buttermilk Bleu Cheese

1 shallot, minced (about 1 tablespoon)

2 teaspoons brandy (optional)

1 cup toasted pecan pieces

Water crackers for serving

Place butter, cream cheese, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper in the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment.  Mix to combine.  Stir bleu cheese and shallots into the mixte, add brandy, if desired.  Form a ball and roll in toasted pecan pieces.  Refrigerate until ready to use.


Mediterranean Palmiers

1 sheet of puff pastry, thawed

1/4 black olive tapenade

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 shallot finely minced (1 tablespoon)

1 cup finely sliced crimini mushrooms

1/2 cup julienned sun dried tomatoes

1/2 cup chopped artichoke hearts

2 tablespoons capers

Parmesan cheese shavings

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  Roll the puff pastry dough as thin as possible to form a long rectangle, do this on a floured surface to prevent sticking.  Spread the dough with the tapenade.  Heat the olive oil in a saute pan and add the shallot, mushrooms, tomatoes, artichoke hearts and capers.  Saute for about five minutes.  Spread this mixture over the tapenade.  Top with shaved parmesan cheese.  Roll the two long sides toward the middle of the piece of pastry, until they meet.  Slice 1/2 inch slices and place on a parchment lined baking sheet.  Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 20 minutes.  Remove and bake 17 – 22 minutes or golden brown.

Happy 2015!!!!

Oh, I have a feeling about 2015.  I would make a few predictions, but living in the NOW is more important to me than projecting into the future.  I’m sharing this video of Mairi Campbell singing  “Auld Lang Syne”, the classic song for celebrating the coming of new year, written by Robert Burns in 1788.  This is the original tune Mr. Burns put his words to and I truly like it better!  For all of the years since this song has been one of Scotland’s gifts to the world.  Listen as Rod does his rendition of this ages old song.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I wish all of my readers all the best in this wonderful new year.  Clean those slates…..forget the past…..forgive those you haven’t, including yourself and let’s get this going in a BIG positive way.  Hold the vision of amazing success, health and happiness…sealed with love!

Let’s Celebrate!

champagne banner

We’re ringing out the old year and ringing the new tonight.  2014 went so quickly!  I love celebrating for any reason….or no reason at all!  I’m going to share some of my favorite things with you today.

blini with salmon et al lg

This has to be my most favorite appetizer for special occasions!  Blini with smoked salmon, caviar, creme fraiche and a bit of snipped fresh chives or dill.  So simple to make and sooooo delicious!  A hint for you is to use an unsweetened whole wheat pancake mix for the blini.  And for quick creme fraiche, mix equal parts of sour cream and heavy cream….voila!

bacon wrapped filet lg

Next on my list is this recipe for bacon wrapped filet mignon….another simple and easy recipe….I believe in elegant simplicity!

Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon Appetizers

1lb Filet Mignon or lean steak

1lb thin cut smoked bacon (It is essential the bacon be thin due to the fast cooking time.)

1 Medium white onion finely diced

2 cloves garlic minced

3 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons chopped Italian (flat leaf) parsley

1 tablespoon salt

½ tablespoon pepper

Toothpicks (Colored wooden toothpicks work great, just not the ones with plastic frill on the ends.)


In a medium bowl, place onions, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper, mix and set aside.

Slice filet into 1 inch disks, then cut disks into ½ inch wide cubes. You should end up with chunks of steak twice as long as they are wide. Place steak into bowl with onions and let sit for 4-8 hours in the refrigerator. Remove bacon from package and lay out the bacon strips and cut into 2 inch strips. This is easier to do if bacon is cold. Take a chunk of steak and wrap a piece of bacon around it. It should go all the way around it and overlap itself. Secure the bacon with a toothpick going through the steak. The toothpick will become the serving utensil when served. When finished wrapping all of the steak with bacon, place on a cooling rack and place them evenly spread across, and not touching, on a baking sheet. Discard the marinade for the steak.

In a 400 degree oven, roast the steak pieces for 10-12 minutes, just until bacon is crisp. Steak will be cooked perfectly medium. Serve immediately and garnish with the Chopped Parsley sprinkled on top. Place on a serving platter and a bowl of horseradish sauce or, for a twist, a bowl of chili con queso for dipping. (Thanks to “Las Vegas Man” for this recipe!)

veggie platter

Add a beautiful platter of fresh veggies….perhaps a light vinaigrette for dipping and you’ve got it.  Crusty bread and champagne will complete the menu….well, not quite!


Candy truffles are always an elegant treat and to offer up some inspiration, here are 5 Tempting Truffle Recipes to share.

I have to have my chocolate!  Pick up some delicious truffles and THEN you have a complete menu!

As for clothes….I’m loving this dress!  It’s available locally at Butler’s Stash…..$150.00….a great deal!  You’ll find the shop at Market Street between PeachMac and Cilantro’s.  Here’s a link to the shop’s Facebook page so that you can see more!  https://www.facebook.com/ButlersStash

Add a sexy black high heel and you can’t go wrong!

Good food….great fashion….fun!  Celebrate the coming of the New Year wherever you are….remember to be safe….have a designated driver….Enjoy!


The Long Writing Road


Long Writing Road 5 lg

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t dream of making a living as a writer.  Keeping diaries as a child….graduating to journals when that came into vogue….dreaming and dreaming.  My dreams came true in 2014!  Thanks to this blog I developed a platform on-line that has served me well!

Long Writing Road 1

I signed two contracts this year with a wonderful publishing house.  The first in my children’s book series will debut in February of 2015.  My first novel will be split into five separate stories and debut in 2016.  I’m pinching myself with happiness over all that is happening….all the goodness that is coming my way at long last.

PicMonkey Collage the ladies

I also learned how to play again in 2014!  Thanks to a lovely group of outstanding professional women.  We have a touch of mischief, just enough to make our time together memorable and fun!  Integrating play with work is so very important.  I intend to continue my adventures in 2015, meeting more wonderful people….featuring more history and stories….connecting the past and present in this beautiful place we call home.

Long Writing Road 4

I’m making a new “TaDa” list for 2015.  Not resolutions….I am resolving to do certain things to keep the positive flow going!  I’m promising to listen to my body and feed it what makes it feel best…to take time for myself, a break from it all, more often.  Stay with me on the journey!  2015 promises to be a fabulous new year and I am READY!  I begin each day with a big THANK YOU!  Arms outstretched, palms up….fingers stretched apart in order to receive all of the goodness life has to offer.  Cheers to new beginnings!


It Happened In Palookaville

palookaville sign

Our time in Atlanta last week was certainly NOT uneventful!  We arrived in foggy, rainy weather that worsened as the day continued.

PicMonkey Collage palookaville 2

I have always loved a good corn dog so when our kids recommended we have lunch at one of the hot new restaurants, Palookaville, in Avondale Estates we all piled in the SUV and headed out.

troy sanders 3

I was not disappointed!  These hand-made corn dogs are the best I have ever eaten….ever!  Choose from an all beef corn dog, one with kielbasa or choose Italian sausage.  For the ultimate experience try the “Fryinstein” that includes all three on a stick, dipped in Palookaville’s famous corn batter and deep fried.  Dip these delicious dogs in regular or hot deli mustard…wash it down with one of the many cold brews on the menu and enjoy!  Bananas Foster on a stick?  You bet!  Owner, Jim Stacy, has created a fun filled menu with something for everyone!

troy sanders 8

The restaurant was packed with people full of holiday spirit spilling out onto the sidewalk.  We had quite a wait due to the crowd but we didn’t care.  It’s always fun when our family gets together.  We all love great food….unusual restaurants and good libation.  We were not disappointed at Palookaville.  “Bubba”, our server, kept us entertained and kept his cool as the Carnie atmosphere in this popular eatery overflowed with merrymaking diners.

PicMonkey Collage palookaville

Little did we know that the table of six seated next to us was comprised of members of the heavy metal band Mastodon.  Bass player, Troy Sanders sat at the end of the table nearest Mr. T.  During our lively conversation something was said that caused me to nudge my lovely husband in the arm just as he picked up his nearly empty glass of red wine.  The glass went flying, crashing to the floor inches from Troy’s feet.  Thank goodness it wasn’t full!  I must have turned the same shade of red as the wine…..how embarrasing!  My stepdaughter, gracious enough to pick up the glass which cleanly snapped stem from goblet, made our apologies.  Another story for our family’s annals of what we always term “The Griswolds Go Out”.  Just a note:  Bubba told us who the band was after they left and all of this happened.  Later that evening we ran into Troy AGAIN when my step daughter and I went to Walgreen’s to pick up a few things….what are the chances?


It’s never a dull moment in our family!  That’s one of the things I love about it all!  Another Christmas has passed….a New Year is about to begin! Celebrate….be safe….treasure your family’s stories and the history you create sharing good times.  2015 promises to be an awesome year!

Simple Sundays

Enjoy the lovely piano of Kevin Kern.  Pearls of Joy is such a beautiful composition!  I think it fits the mood after a very busy Christmas week from which we are all recovering.  Take some time today to rest, renew, breathe deeply and enjoy thinking about all of the fun you’ve had and all there is to look forward to with New Year’s Eve on its way.  We have a new year beginning!  A new start….a clean slate….imagine the possibilities!


On The Radio

IMG_1237 Max

My guest on the show this week, Cathy Lent, from our local humane society talked with me about animal safety during the holidays.  We also discussed bringing new pets into the family as Christmas gifts.  I think you’ll find some interesting tips when you listen!




Finally Friday!

After the feast of Christmas I love to prepare this simple dish of pure deliciousness!  You can find the truffle oil at Golden Isles Olive Oil, pappardelle at Harris Teeter or try Porcini Mushroom Linguine, also available at GIOO.  This dish is easy to prepare, elegant and a bit different….which I always like.  Culinary exploration has been a passion of mine most of my life so this recipe fits right in!  I hope you’ll try this and experience the complexity of flavors and textures!  Mix some crisp, organic salad greens, a crusty baguette and a bit of the bubbly to continue the season’s celebration!  Here’s a link to the site for Golden Isles Olive Oil…take a look at all the goodies owner, Paige Funkhouser, has to offer!  www.goldenislesoliveoil.com

papardelle lg


Pappardelle with Shitake Mushrooms and White Truffle Oil

1 box pappardelle or pasta of choice

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon butter

1 pound shitake mushrooms, stems removed, caps sliced thin

2 shallots, peeled and diced

10 fresh sage leaves chopped

1 tablespoon white truffle oil

1/4 cup fresh chopped chives

shaved parmesan/reggiano cheese to taste

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to finish

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Heat the olive oil and butter in a saute pan.  Add the shallots and shitake mushroom.  Saute for about five minutes.  Cook the pasta, according to package instructions.  I like the pasta to be “al dente” or slightly firm.  Drain the pasta and place in a large bowl.  Add the cooked shallots and mushrooms and toss well with the sage truffle oil and chives.  Serve in a large pasta bowl or platter and garnish with the cheese.  Season to taste.


O Holy Night

O Holy Night

Merry Christmas!  We’re in Atlanta with family, celebrating this glorious season.  Presents are being opened…..fresh begniets are in the works…..a bit of the bubbly is ready for toasting!  Not forgetting the reason for the season, I’m sharing this wonderful version of one of my favorite Christmas songs, “O Holy Night” by operatic soprano, Renee Fleming.  I wish you all a day filled with love, laughter and magic!  Experience the wonder and share it with everyone you come into contact with on this blessed day!