A Very Special Day!




We are celebrating our granddaughter, Emmeline’s, 10th birthday today!  I don’t know where the years go, but they have certainly flown by!

front and back of Emmeline book from Casey

And, I’m sharing a peek at the front and back cover of the soon to be released children’s book series that bears her name!  It’s been quite a journey and it’s not quite finished yet, but we’re close!  AND the cover may change a bit as we tweek things!

ed hose

I have to thank Ed Hose, local illustrator extraordinaire, for her amazing artwork that makes the story come alive!  If you haven’t seen her fantastic new coloring book go here:  www.edhose.com and click on “Store”.


AND, my publisher, Oghma Creative Media.  The team there who is spearheading the marketing and distribution of the book has done a wonderful job.  They are expert at making sure every detail is seen too.  I’m ready to kick up my heels it’s so exciting!

E birthday cake


So Happy Birthday sweet Emmeline and happy publishing!  I’ll be posting more about the book as the release date approaches.  Not only is it a fun story, the cookbook at the back that brings families together to cook and explore French food is the beginning of a true adventure!

The Southern Way

foggy morning 1


Today’s post was inspired by a friend who mentioned liking the foggy weather we’ve been experiencing here on St. Simons for the past few days.  Although we are a bit light deprived I am using this weather as a sort of “blanket” to snuggle down into and write.  It serves me well.

foggy morning 2

I began to visualize a move back to the South almost twenty years ago.  I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Texas in the Houston area.  Large oak trees draped with Spanish moss were a part of my childhood that I fondly remembered.  We lived near the water and experienced long periods of foggy, damp days during the winter months.

winter 2


My first step in making the move was to subscribe to “Southern Living” magazine.  Actually, my aunt Ruth began the process for me by handing me a stack of old issues when I visited her in Austin, Texas shortly before her death.  She was always one of my favorite aunts.  A Betty Crocker test kitchen cook, back in the day, Ruth forged a path for me that sparked an interest in all things culinary.  So it seems fitting, looking back, that she would ignite my desire to move back to more familiar surroundings.

gray morning

So I began to turn the pages of “Southern Living” and dream of moving to whatever part of the South that might call my name.  First stop turned out to be in Florida where I spent ten years and then I discovered Coastal Georgia.  The ages old oak trees that line the streets, forming a graceful canopy always enchant me.   Their history and grandeur speak of a time when Plantations dotted the islands and life was more simple.

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When it is foggy, like it has been for almost a week now, there is a slightly haunted feeling that comes over me when I watch the moss as it sways gently in the breeze.  All of this natural beauty is an inspiration for me to dream, to write and to embrace life in the Southern way.

Embrace the NOW, whatever the weather may be and see where it takes you!

The Great Outdoors

plein air event 3

On Saturday, March 7th, you are in for a real treat.  Join local artist’s from all over the area at the historic Hofwyl Broadfield Plantation for the third annual “Plein Air” event!

Albert Fendig

Albert Fendig

Hosted by artist, Albert Fendig, you will be able to wander through the ground of this amazing piece of Coastal Georgia history.

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If you are an artist you can join in the event, bring your easel, canvas and paints to create a wonderful piece of artwork that will then be on display for months to come in various locations.

plein air event 4

Hofwyl Broadfield Plantation is a 150 year old plantation set on the bank of the marshes with glorious views and 800 year old oak trees, gracefully draped with Spanish moss.  To hear more information about this wonderful annual event listen to The Permanent Tourist radio talk show on WWEZ 94.7 FM this Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7:05 pm as I welcome artist, George Netherton, and Jeanne Earle McConnell from the “Friends of Hofwyl” group that so lovingly works to sustain and maintain this property for all to enjoy.

Ophelia's Porch by Albert Fendig

Ophelia’s Porch by Albert Fendig

For further information on joining the group of artist’s who will be painting at the event, please contact George Netherton at:  gnetherton@me.com.  The setting, the creativity and the opportunity to share with other artists is priceless!  Join in the fun from 9:00am – 5:00pm and record history in your own special way.

Simple Sundays

I grew up in a musical family.  My mother, an accomplished operatic soprano, performed all over this country, Europe and the Far East when I was growing up.  My world was filled with the music of various operas and classical music, which I also enjoyed playing on the piano.  My path took me on a culinary route and then a literary one but classical music has always been very important to me.  I have chosen this beautiful duet, The Fleur Duet, from Leo Delibes three act opera, first performed in Paris in 1883.  This particular performance will showcase the beautiful voices of Anna Netrebko and Elina Garanca.


On The Radio

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Join Millie Wilcox and me on the radio this week as we discuss local history, art and Millie’s plans for the future!  If you think this wonderful woman has retired……think again!  She’s full of life, energy and knowledge about the Golden Isles.

Finally Friday!

Chili was definitely on our menu this week!  BRRRRRR…..it’s been cold and damp!  A friend shared this recipe with me a few months ago so I cooked up a bit pot for dinner the other night.  This is a very quick, easy chili to prepare and it makes enough to freeze a container for later.  Add shredded cheese, shredded iceberg lettuce (That’s a Texas thing), and a spoonful of sour cream on the top and you’ve got a great meal!  Of course, saltine crackers or Frito’s are always served on the side.  Frito’s…..I rarely buy them because I can’t eat JUST ONE! I hope you’ll give this a try.  If you’re eating low carb just leave the beans out and you’ve got a great meal too!

nana's chili

Nana’s Chili

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 cups chopped onion

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon cayenne

2 pounds stew meat, cut into bite size pieces

1 pound ground beef

2 tablespoons good quality chili powder

3 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper

3 teaspoons dried oregano

2 tablespoons chopped garlic

2 large cans chopped tomatoes

1 small can tomato paste

2 cups beef stock

2 cans dark red kidney or pinto beans, drained and rinsed

In a large pot heat the oil and add the onions.   Sprinkle with salt and saute for 5-7 minutes.  Add cayenne pepper.  Stir in the stew meat and ground beef, chili powder, cumin, crushed red pepper and oregano.  Brown the meat.  Add the garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste beef stock and beans.   Bring to a slow boil and simmer, covered for an hour.

A State Of Grace


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I like the idea of living in a state of grace!  Each day brings something new to be grateful for.  Whether it’s talking with someone really interesting on The Permanent Tourist radio show….learning about upcoming events…..or stepping through each door as it opens…..I’m always saying thank you!

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I’m truly grateful for new friends and opportunities that present themselves to me.  Things I might never even have thought of before!  One of those opportunities presented itself yesterday so I have to share it with you all!

itinerary 2

When I first began writing this blog I wanted to meet new people and discover more of the history that is so rich here in the Golden Isles.  I wanted to experience the wonder of life in this amazing place.  In the book, “The Grace Process” by Lori Leyden, she talks about living in a state of gratitude, love, joy and wonder.  By so doing there is scientific evidence that the front part of our brain, where we experience joy and happiness, is literally triggered and we experience a higher brain resonance.  Think about how you feel when you are simply happy with you life, joyful for all that you have and thinking positive thoughts?  That’s what I’m talking about!  That sense of contentment that brings such peace!  I also wanted to help promote the arts…all kinds of art from music to the culinary arts….never in my wildest dreams did I realize what might happen!

coastal symphony

With that in mind, when Sharon Flores, President of the board for Coastal Symphony of Georgia, called and invited me to lunch I was delighted!  I adore Sharon and always have such a great time with her.  When she mentioned that another board member, Susan Garrett would be joining us I was excited to see her as well.  Both ladies have been guests on the radio show, I love their energy and zest for life!  That lunch took place yesterday and I am thrilled to announce that I have accepted a position on the board to help with marketing our wonderful symphony.  I could never have dreamed such a thing would happen when all of this began a little over two years ago.


For this and so many other things I am so grateful.  I’m saying little prayers of thanks and moving right along as news on the first of my children’s book came to me yesterday as well.  Galley’s will be here next week and I’ll begin the work of setting up book signings….marketing and working with my publisher to get the show, literally, on the road. Here’s a “sneak peek” at the cover…all illustrations are by the fabulously talented Ed Hose.  I love sharing good news!  And I thank you all for reading, sharing and supporting me on this journey!  It’s great to have so many amazing friends!


How Things “Seem”…

flower post 1

No matter where we are in our lives there are times when we are challenged by something.  It may be illness in the family or it could be work related.  I’m writing this post today as a sort of therapy for myself, the eternal optimist.  I’m sharing some lovely antique prints of flowers I’ve found on-line because they lift my spirit.  I love happy flowers.

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I believe in a positive attitude, but there are times in my world when things happen that leave me wondering…”WHY?”.

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That is when I realize it’s time to pick myself up, dust myself off and move forward.  I don’t believe we can ever really see the reasons for things with our human eyes.  Taking the time to quiet our minds and go within for the answers… to that still, silent place that awaits us there is essential.

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I’m taking the time today to stop and listen.  The results will be a better more positive me who is focused and centered on where life is taking me and what I want and need to experience.  We all have these moments, it’s how we deal with them that makes us stronger or tears us down.  If we could only see the future, I wonder what we would find.  Better not to wonder and to live each moment as it comes…fully, with joy and love.

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As a writer I have to have the courage to dig down into my depths to find the characters I write about in my books.  Many times this process is uncomfortable and at other times it’s uplifting.  So as I sit at my desk today I’m focusing on my writing, the blessings in my life that make it so amazing, my wonderful family and the creativity I have been given to share with readers everywhere.  My books will be my legacy and the process of writing them a healing balm for my soul.  I found this lovely little poem on-line…I think you’ll like it!  It was written by a Russian poet, Nika Turbina, in 1987.

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What a shame that
I’m not a fortune teller.
I would tell fortunes
only with flowers
and I would heal
the earth’s wounds
with a rainbow.



Nature’s Gift

Brandi Joy Wedincamp Sikes

Brandi Joy Wedincamp Sikes

Saturday evening’s sunset was nothing less than spectacular!  I’m sharing some photos taken by myself and five other photographers who posted the magnificent show on Facebook’s group, “My Georgia Coast”.

Kathy Riggins

Kathy Riggins

What makes a beautiful sunset?  I’ve read that the clearer and cleaner the atmosphere, the more chance for dramatic color.

Michael Croft

Michael Croft

High clouds catch the rays of light and scatter them across the heavens for all to enjoy.

Nancy Kirkpatrick

Nancy Kirkpatrick

Whether you were on Jekyll Island enjoying time at Latitude 31 and the Rah Bar as my friend, Nancy Kirkpatrick, did….(www.nancykirkpatrickphotography.com)

Chris Jurstik

Chris Jurstik

Or you were watching from St. Simons Island and other Coastal areas, the show went on for all to see!

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Here’s my offering from the parking lot at The Inn At Sea Island….my skills may not be as developed as the other, but I’m learning!  It was an incredible display of color that caught the attention of people all over the area.  Mother Nature continues to provide us with such natural beauty, so much to take in and appreciate!   Sharing the photos of others and remembering the evening….memories not soon to be forgotten!

It’s A Dolphin Kind Of Thing!

Three Dolphins

February 28th is the Super Dolphin Day Race!  The traditional pasta party is the night before with donations of all sorts of deliciousness coming from “Nazarro’s”,  “Crabdaddy’s”, “Del Sur” and “Golden Isles Olive Oil”….what a winning combination!

This is the largest PTA  fundraiser that benefits both Oglethorpe Elementary and St. Simons Elementary schools.  The pasta party takes place in the cafeteria at St. Simons Elementary school on the 27th from 5 – 8 pm….dine in or take out!

Don’t forget to stop in at the gym to register for some amazing prizes that will be given away!

There will be expo booths, bounce houses from Games 2 U, and the silent auction(7-10:30). The 10k 7 am, 5k 8:30, and the 1 mile fun run 9:30.

Tickets to participate in the race can be purchased here: http://superdolphinday.com/

This has been an annual event since 1978.  You DON’T want to miss it this year….share the word and share the fun!