Simple Sundays

Nothing shouts SPRING to me like Vivaldi’s wonderful Four Seasons first movement!  Open the windows….open your heart….turn up the volume and ENJOY!  It’s Easter Sunday….celebrate with family, with prayer, with tradition….whatever makes your soul sing!  I’m cooking up a storm, sprucing up the outdoor dining area and planning a wonderful day of renewal!

On The Radio!

I had such a great time talking with Melody Walsh, local author and Natasha Williams, local publicist, on this weeks show!  Listen in as we discuss Melody’s new children’s book and more!  High energy….creativity….fun!

Finally Friday!


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Last Friday our “Ladies Who Lunch” group met at photographer, Donna MacPherson’s, wonderful beach house here on the island.  Having eaten at her home on several different occasions, I suspected we were all in for a treat.  We continued my birthday celebrations….which have finally finished now that April is here.  The menu was Mexican Fiesta style with all of the salsa’s and dishes made from scratch and beautifully presented.  Donna has been generous in sharing some of the recipes from the meal we so enjoyed!  Margaritas were the beverage of choice, thanks to Buddie….gotta love him!  I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful circle of friends who care about each other and enjoy getting together to share meals, happy times and even sad ones when they happen.  I hope you’ll love making and eating these wonderful creations as much as we all did!  All photographs have been lovingly taken and shared by Donna MacPherson!

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This salad was a combination of fresh greens picked that morning from Donna’s raised beds.  She added sliced avocado, homemade corn cakes, crisp tortilla strips and this delicious dressing.

Mexican Salad w/ Honey Lime Dressing

Honey Lime Dressing
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, finely chopped
1 teaspoon jalapeno, minced
1⁄4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
1/4 cup tablespoons GIOO Lime infused olive oil
1/4 cup GIOO Honey & ginger infused white balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons honey

Mix all ingredients well with a whisk. Pour over salad to serve.

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No Mexican Fiesta is complete without homemade salsa!  This was some of the best I have ever tasted!

Smoky Chipotle Salsa

Yields Approx. 1 Quart

(1) 28 ounce can diced tomatoes
3 -5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1⁄2 bunch fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1 small chipotle chile, finely chopped
1 roasted bell pepper
1 teaspoon canned adobo sauce
1⁄2-1 teaspoon sugar
1 lime freshly squeezed lime
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Put all ingredients in blender or food processor and process until smooth.

If you prefer a chunkier salsa, just mix ingredients together in a large bowl.

Best when freshly made, but you may cover and chill until ready to serve.

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This yummy black bean and corn relish would be good on just about anything!

Mexican Corn & Bean Relish

Yields 3 cups

2 garlic cloves, minced
1 small onion, chopped
1⁄2 red bell pepper, chopped
1⁄4 cup cilantro, chopped
1 (12 ounce) can corn, drained
1 (12 ounce) can black beans, drained
1⁄2 ounce tequila
1 lime
1 tblspn GIOO Olive Oil
1 tblspn GIOO Grapefruit Infused Balsamic Vinegar
1⁄2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

Sautee garlic, onion and pepper in the olive oil until soft.

Add the corn and beans.

Fill a shot glass with tequila and pour over the mix.

Add in the red pepper flakes (you can adjust the amount depending on the heat you like).

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Mexican Rice

8 – 12 Servings

12 ounces tomatoes, very ripe and cored
1 medium white onion
3 medium jalapeños
2 cups long grain white rice
1⁄3 cup canola oil
4 minced garlic cloves
2 cups chicken broth
1 tablespoon tomato paste (may omit if using canned tomatoes)
1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
1⁄2 cup fresh cilantro, minced
1 lime

Adjust rack to middle position and preheat oven to 350.

Process tomato and onion in processor or blender until pureed and thoroughly smooth. Transfer mixture to measuring cup and reserve exactly 2 cups. Discard excess.

Remove ribs and seeds from 2 jalapeños and discard. Mince remaining jalapeño. Set aside.

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These are the yummiest chicken enchiladas!  Easy and simple to prepare.

Green Chicken Enchilada’s

Yields 10 Enchiladas

4 cups Salsa Verde (Green Enchilada Sauce)
1 pint Whipping Cream
1 bunch cilantro (leaves chopped about 1 cup)
3-4 cups Jack Cheese Shredded
4 Chicken Breasts cooked and chopped
10 flour tortilla’s (soft taco size)
Oil for frying

Combine the salsa verde, whipping cream and cilantro in blender. Blend until incorporated 15-30 seconds.

In a medium frying pan put enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Heat to low-medium heat and lightly fry one tortilla on both sides, just enough to warm it.

In a baking dish pour about half of the sauce mixture in the bottom. Place the tortilla into the dish starting at one end, place some cheese, chicken and roll into enchilada. Repeat this until you have all the tortillas filled and lined up next to each other.

Pour the remaining sauce over the rolled enchiladas. Top with shredded cheese.

Bake @ 350 degrees F approximately 30 – 40 minutes.

The Waving Girl

Her brother was the lighthouse keeper at Cockspur Island on the Savannah River.  Florence Martus busied herself waving her handkerchief at ships as they came and went.  Because of this she became known as “The Waving Girl”.

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She lived from 1868 – 1943 at which time a monument depicting her waving at passing ships was placed at the point on which she would stand.  She welcomed over 50,000 ships during her lifetime, eventually waving a lantern to let her presence be known in the dark of night.

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It has been said that her waving tradition began when her true love never returned from the sea.  In all she waved her handkerchief or lantern for forty-four years.
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Florence’s constant companion as a young girl was her collie dog.  He stood by her side as she hailed the arrival of ships from around the world.  Both are represented in the monument that now stands in Morrell Park.

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Today, it is said, that the ghosts of both Florence and her faithful pet, linger on in Savannah at the River Street Market.  Strange shadows are said to be seen dancing around the heavy doors at daybreak and after sunset.  People who have witnessed the shadows, the whooshing of wind as though someone passes and the mournful lament think Florence just wants to be remembered.  When the lights are out for the night a strange, mournful sound has been heard by many that seems to say, “Come back, come back, come back……”.  I’m certainly no expert on such subjects  but I know that Savannah is full of ghost stories just as St. Simons is.  It adds a bit of interest to our lives and sparks the curiosity of tourists.  I think it’s all a valuable part of our history, true or not, but I have to say that I’m quite sure I saw The Woman In White here one late spring evening.  You decide for yourself, but I like to believe there are spirits that still grace us with their presence!

Springing Into Action

John Henderson, Sunrise on Ossabaw Island

John Henderson, Sunrise on Ossabaw Island

What glorious weather we’ve had for the past few days!  I definitely have a case of Spring Fever!  It’s Spring break, island roadways are packed with locals and tourists alike.  This is what I love, this is island living at its best!  For years, while living in Florida, I took my young daughter to Sanibel Island and always remarked that one day I’d love to live on an island.  There is something about the energy, the laid back feeling that pulses in the air.  I’m sharing some fabulous photographs today from local photographers who are catching Spring in all its glory!  I hope you enjoy and if you don’t live here….come visit!  Get some island sand in your shoes to insure you always come back!

Spring Fever Photography 1

Elizabeth Halderson

I’m loving this photograph taken by my favorite local ceramic artist, Elizabeth Halderson!  Can you guess where this is?

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Donna MacPherson Photography

My friend, Donna MacPherson, the wonderful photographer who captures so many magical scenes of this beautiful place shared this lovely shot with the Lanier Bridge in the distance.

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David Fisher

And David Fisher got even closer with this amazing shot of the bridge that is the stately symbol of the grandeur to be found here in Coastal Georgia.

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Nancy Kirkpatrick

And Nancy Kirkpatrick, known for her fabulous flower photography and so much more shares this beautiful photo of a first dogwood bloom…..pure Spring!


It seems most of the pollen has gone….or will April Fool’s Day have a bit more in store for us?  No matter, it’s time to celebrate the season, kick off your shoes and get some sand under your feet!  Happy Spring!

Why I Blog….


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So many people ask me how I come up with a post for each day.  I wonder that myself at times!  It can be challenging to find a topic and photos for each new day, and I post seven days a week as you know.  There are still other who don’t understand what a blog is.  And many, many who have never even heard of The Permanent Tourist….imagine that!  I love the process and the art of writing.  My creativity is constantly challenged and I thrive on that.  I’m not a competitive person by nature except with myself.  I don’t share the private emails I receive in regard to my blog posts but I received one this past weekend that I’m sharing with you today.  It speaks to why I blog and host the radio show.  This is what it’s all about.  I love meeting people and writing about subjects I’m passionate about.  Last weekend’s Cabin Fever Event, hosted by the Cassina Garden Club was one of those subjects.  I always wonder how effective the blog is and how many people listen to the radio show.  My friend, Janice, who headed up the committee who planned the weekend, let me see very clearly what the results were in her kind email.  So, without further ado, here is her note.

“Such Big Thanks To You”

Melissa, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done to make our cabin fever weekend a success. Both last night and tonight’s dinner were virtually sold out. As late as yesterday we were getting requests for tickets to all of the events. The hype that has happened in the last week has been enormous and we have U2 thank for much of that. It was interesting to see the phone stop ringing Wednesday morning after your Tuesday night radio show.

Enjoy your weekend and your family. I know it’s chilly but what a gorgeous morning.

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This is why I blog. Helping get the word out about local events that impact our area is at the top of my “tada” list!  I am thrilled that the turnout for the weekend’s events was so great!  It helps the Cassina Garden Club with their drive to save the tabby slave cabins.  I hope that all of the events I write about get a bigger response due to my posts!  I absolutely love what I do and when I hear reports like Janice sent me it just makes my day!  And so I continue and will do so as long as I am able!  Thank you for reading and supporting The Permanent Tourist!




My friends know how much I like gardening.  Getting my hands in the soil, making sure everything is placed just so.  Don’t get me wrong, my garden isn’t perfect by any means, it is a work in progress.


Needless to say, I was delighted to have some of my birthday gifts be about my favorite hobby.  I cannot wait to take my gift card to Ace and find just the right new plants to fill in the spaces.  And the three white hydrangea bushes that another gardening buddy gave me will be the perfect addition!


I have always loved hydrangea so I cannot wait to see how these will do!  Of course I had to look up the history of this lovely plant.  It originated in Eastern Asia.  You’ll find them in China, Japan…..even in the Himalayas.


The blossoms are so beautiful when they come to full flowers!


Whether you like white, blue or pink this is a beautiful plant and it grows so well here.  Just after azalea season the hydrangea begin to bloom and continue on until fall.  The acidity of the soil determines color so I’m anxious to see what my blooms will actually be.


Spring is here, the island is in full bloom and I’m in my glory!  Feeling great and enjoying easy island living….doesn’t get any better!

Simple Sundays

A dear friend of mine gave me a DVD for my birthday.  I love it!  It is Disney’s “Tangled”.  At first I wondered….why?….then I watched it.  LOVE…at first viewing.  The story is charming and the lessons so true about healing and unconditional love.  When Rapunzel’s hair lights up as she sings her healing song amazing things happen.  The movie reminded me of my love for the old Disney movies from my childhood.  In keeping with my promise to continue allowing my inner child to express joy and creativity I am sharing the lovely song “When You Wish Upon A Star” sung by the character Jiminy Cricket in one of my favorite Disney movies…”Pinnochio”.  I hope you’ll enjoy listening and then consider how you can allow your inner child to be joyful and happy!  Have a wonderful Sunday…hope to see you at A Taste Of Glynn this evening!

Finally Friday!

Family is coming in for the weekend so a Cajun Seafood boil is on the menu!  This is a family staple, everyone loves fresh shell fish!  I hope you’ll try this and enjoy it as much as we do!

Here’s a menu including the “anatomy” of a perfect seafood boil.  Dump the seafood, corn and potatoes out on a table, covered with newsprint, and dig in!

Green Pea Guacamole with Raw Vegetables

Cajun Seafood Boil

Rustic Berry Tart

Cold Beer and Wine Spritzers

green pea guacamole

Green Pea Guacamole with Raw Vegetables

1 bag frozen, sweet baby peas, thawed

1 clove garlic

1 handful cilantro

4 scallions, cleaned and chopped

juice of one lime

salt and pepper to taste

1/4 cup good olive oil

Carrots, Celery, Radishes, Jicama and Cherry Tomatoes for dipping

Place peas in the bowl of a food processor and pulse to puree.  Add the garlic, cilantro, scallions, lime, salt and pepper.  With the motor running add the olive oil in a steady stream.  Process until just blended, thick and delicious!  Serve with raw vegetables for dipping and your favorite corn chips if you’re not watching carbs.

seafood boil

Cajun Seafood Boil

(for 6 -8 people)

1 package Zatarain’s seafood boil added to a large pot of water fitted with a strainer basket (Most traditional Cajun Seafood Boil pots come outfitted with the strainer basket).

1 tablespoon + Tabasco sauce

3 garlic bulbs, cut in half, unpeeled

4 large yellow onions, quartered, unpeeled

6 lemons halved

3 pounds shrimp

5 pound crab legs

Crawfish and whole blue crab can also be added if they are available as well as mussels and clams

2 pounds small red potatoes

12 ears of corn, shucked, cleaned and cut in half.

6 artichokes, trimmed

Begin by filling the pot halfway with water.  Add the seafood boil, Tabasco, garlic, onion and lemon.  Bring to a rolling boil.  Add potatoes, corn and artichokes, boil for about 15 minutes.  Add crab legs and shrimp and boil for another 20 – 25 minutes.  Carefully lift the strainer basket out of the water, allow to drain then pour the contents out onto the paper lined tabletop.  Serve with your favorite cocktail sauce, melted butter and aioli sauce.


Rustic Berry Tart

1 box puff pastry, thawed

1 box @ strawberries, blackberries and blueberries

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1/2 cup raw sugar

Confectioner’s sugar to dust finished tart

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Roll two sheets of pastry dough out, joining middle seam and place on a round pizza pan.  Wash berries, cutting strawberries in half.  Place in a bowl and stir cornstarch and sugar in to mix well.

Spoon berries with juice onto the middle of the dough, then roll the edges of the pastry to form a “rough” edge, you don’t want perfection.  Bake for 30 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown.  Remove the tart from the oven and sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.

Here’s the link to Kathi William’s guide to weekend music entertainment!:

Bring In The New!


It’s been a couple of years since the new convention center opened on Jekyll Island.  Many changes have continued as the island becomes a major center for conferences, tourists and visitors from around the world.  I recently had the pleasure of touring the new Holiday Inn Resort that opened its doors to the public several weeks ago.  What a beautiful job they have done!  The location is that of the old Oceanside Inn and the renovation and renewal  is nothing short of a miracle.  I took my buddy, Nancy Kirkpatrick, along to shoot some photos and she returned after the opening to get a few of the landscaped finish.


The double height lobby with comfortable seating areas and a large fireplace for colder months is welcoming…..


Espresso by day and martini’s by night, this bar offers it all with second floor views of the ocean…..


Large guest rooms with the comfiest beds and linens…..

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Perfectly landscaped grounds…..


A beautiful oceanside pool….

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The outdoor kitchen with delicious offerings of crabcake sliders and more!  This is part of the spread we delighted in at the end of our tour!

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The new Holiday Inn Resort on Jekyll Island opens its doors to locals for oceanfront dining.  The perfect little afternoon getaway as warmer weather returns!  Enjoy delicious libations and a menu that is full of yummy offerings.


Ocean views are magnificent and the staff is top notch!  I think it’s the perfect idea for a little weekend vacation!  For more information go here:

To view more of Nancy Kirkpatrick’s photography: or Facebook at Nancy Kirkpatrick Photography!