I am sharing this amazing photograph taken by my dear friend, Tony Drake, with you as I write this post. It’s the first post I’ve managed to put together in well over a year. Thankfully, I have kept my “The Permanent Tourist” domain and all other components to keeping my blog up and going. I love this photograph. It speaks to the beauty of life and of Mother Earth.

It’s time to recreate what The Permanent Tourist is. For years I posted from St. Simons Island, Georgia and basically focused on that area. I featured on my blog as well as radio show interesting people, local events, history of the area and…OF COURSE…food!

Many of you know my story and what brought me to life in Louisiana. I have grown to love it here but writing The Permanent Tourist in the same old way just never felt right. During the lock down we have experienced I found myself wanting to write again but wanting to do that differently, to refresh things and approach my blog from a new direction. Maybe the COVID 19 virus brought me the time to stop and take a look at what I really wanted to do now to spark the creative energy of this award winning blog!

And the idea came to me in a flash when I asked for direction during my morning meditation. I have learned that asking is the key to finding one’s way. I am so excited about what “we”, yes WE, are going to be writing and sharing with our global readership! I have, so far, three contributing writers who are going to be posting about everything from connecting with life in a more meaningful way, health, fitness, lifestyle, events, personal finances and of course FOOD!
So stay tuned as we share just how to enjoy your life to the fullest! Podcasts are in the works as well as a long awaited YouTube channel. I’m getting back to what I’m passionate about and the team I am putting together is not only dynamic, professional and experienced in their fields but FUN! It’s time to have fun, to help create a new normal that will enrich our lives and open new avenues of creating and loving life!
6 Responses
Marisa Franca Stewart Says:
Hi, Melissa!
I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re back and I excited to see what new things you have for us. I hope you are well and staying safe. Sending love and hugs,
Marisa -
Jeanne Henriques Says:
Well done Melissa, exciting news! I have found the Covid pace of life gentle on the mind in the rural hills of New Hampshire. I look forward to reading more. You are following your heart, that’s the best sign of all. xx
Nancy Kirkpatrick Says:
What a nice surprise to read ‘The Permanent Tourist’ to start my day! Your ideas for a new normal will be that silver lining for so many of us. Hope your Sunday morning music selections will be part of that new normal, too.
Sally Koons Says:
So proud for you and can’t wait to see this new chapter develop! If you need any comments from an old retiree, let me know!
Love you and always believe in you! -
Susan L Says:
Good luck!
Tony D Says:
So glad I was able to be a little part of your new beginning with my photograph. I see my life these days with new eyes.
Hugs to you and cant wait to see what you write about.