Loving Georgia

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If you’ve been following this blog or you know me personally, you know that I am a huge animal lover.  I especially love the canine variety.  Our Murphy is a rescue Wheaton Terrier from the shelter in Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana, aka New Orleans.  Murphy is such an integrated part of our family.  He is smart, quick to learn and so loving.  Rescue dogs will always hold a special place in my heart.  Whether they are puppies or several years old…they need to be adopted and loved.  Which brings me to the subject of Georgia!  You thought I was talking about the state, didn’t you?  Well, no….Georgia is a precious black Labrador mix puppy.  She showed up at the WWEZ Radio Station with the ladies from the Glynn County Humane Society for the taping of their delightful show that airs every Thursday morning.



When Stu Graham, station owner, set eyes on Georgia, then named “Jada”, it was love at first site!  He made arrangements for her adoption and the rest is history!  Now Georgia rules the roost at the station and, I suspect, at home.  She is mellow, obedient and pure puppy.  This is one happy dog who landed in paradise!


Our Murphy

If you’re considering a new pet for your family please remember all of the many animals that are available for adoption.  Rescuing one of these furry friends is such a wonderful thing to do.  In Murphy’s case, he seems to realize that we did, in fact, save him…or at least Mr. T’s youngest daughter did for us.  He gets a bit nervous every time he drives back to New Orleans with us, I think he’s afraid we won’t bring him back home…no way, I say!  Wherever you live you can find a special new friend to love.  Most shelters now have listings on-line so you can preview the animals that are available.  In some cases, as in the Glynn County Humane Society, you can actually volunteer to care for pets, take dogs for a walk on the beach or provide a foster home if you can.


I’m loving Georgia each time I arrive at the radio station to tape the show.  AND she’s gotten bigger each time.  I have a feeling Georgia is going to be a very big girl!  What a lover!


2 Responses

  1. Carol Ray Skipper Says:

    Melissa, I had the pleasure of hearing you speak at our writers meeting in Gainesville. Such an informative, interesting presentation. Thank you.

    Yes, love your post about ‘Rescue Dogs’. If you can find about 20 minutes in your busy schedule to read about an awesome dog, check out my book created from truth: Coco,The Homeless Labradoodle.
    (Effective Jan 20th, 50% proceeds donated to Animal Rescue Groups/Shelters.)

    Sooo…many wonderful rescue animals.

    Bundle up!

  2. Melissa Says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Carol! I’ll take a look at your book. Thanks so much for your comment.

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