So much is said and written about women learning the art of saying no. But what about the word YES?

Dream Garden
I, for one, am terrible about accepting help when it is offered. Always the perfectionist, I tend to take on more than I can, in reality, do. This leads to a feeling of utter frustration on my part. Lately, I’m finding it easier to say no, but very difficult to say yes. Whwn I had my knee replaced last June I never expected the recovery period to be so long. I missed out on the whole gardening season, worrying about the flower beds that were growing wild and free. I like order in my life but could not do the things to make that happen for several months.
When a friend of mine called me yesterday with a little pre-birthday surprise I felt hesitant to accept at first. She knows I have a big week ahead and she knows that I like things to be just so. For this reason she offered to come over and help me clean out my flower beds and prepare them for Spring planting. I knew there were trees to trim and clean up as well, no small task! My little self thought, “Gee, I should be able to take care of all of this by myself….”, but my new and better self thought, “How dear of her to want to help me get this done!”. To be perfectly honest I was stressing over how I was going to get my yard cleaned up having been in bed with the flu for the past week! And so I said YES!

More Garden Dreaming
The afternoon was spent cleaning out weeds, trimming and discussing what to plant where. I got to see perennial plants and flowers planted the year before last popping up through the soil. This always makes me happy! The outline of the flower beds is now visible once again and I feel so much better.
We toasted the day with a vodka tonic, sitting on the back deck overlooking the lagoon. All of this reminded me that friendship is a valuable thing and of how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends! Mr. T and I will finish up with planting some new flowers and plants over the weekend. The help I opened my heart to and accepted has given us a head start that is priceless! Learn to say YES and feel the love filling your heart!
2 Responses
Jan Says:
Sounds like a fun afternoon!!!
Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:
What a wonderful friend!! Labor isn’t quite has hard when you have a person sharing it. Happy Early Birthday!!