How could it possibly be time for Valentine’s Day already? Wasn’t it just Christmas…seriously, I don’t think there is one single month without some holiday or event. As soon as Halloween is finished Christmas begins to show its face in retail shops everywhere. And after the 14th, on Friday, shelves will be stocked with all things green as St. Patrick’s Day draws near. It’s always something! My curiosity got the best of me this morning and I decided to do some investigation as to who began the tradition of sharing hearts….where did it begin and when.
There is a history behind Valentine’s Day. It is not only celebrated in the United States, but in Great Britain, France, Australia, Mexico and Canada. And all of these countries celebrate on the 14th day, in the month of February. The tradition goes back as far as the Middle Ages. There have been several St. Valentines who were martyred in one way or another. It is suggested that the true St. Valentine may have been instrumental in helping Christians escape death at the hands of Romans back in the day. He is said to have been a romantic figure, thus the symbol of the heart became a part of it all.
Whether actual written Valentines were exchanged or tokens of love were given, this has been going on for centuries. And at some point, the figure of Cupid entered the scene with his heart tipped arrows, ready to send love sailing to a beloved on wings of angels.
I can’t think of a better holiday than one where we tell each other of our love. Sharing love, sending love…..writing….
Shopping……, and candy and bright shiny things!
It’s all about loving and giving….which makes it my favorite holiday, except for Thanksgiving.
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day….do tell!