Last week I alluded to the fact that there would be news in regard to The Permanent Tourist. I think it fitting to share a very special announcement today, my daughter’s birthday. I don’t know where 22 years have gone but we’re celebrating her all week!

Eddie Budd and Me
I am so very proud to announce the beginning of The Permanent Tourist Podcast and YouTube channel. It’s time to grow and I’m in just the right place to do that. The most amazing team players have shown up, cast their vote of YES where this project is concerned and we’re about to launch in a big way. Producer/Director/Co-Host, Eddie Budd brings his expertise as a film producer and director to the table as well as a life long love for radio broadcasting. Eddie’s company, Neauregard Entertainment keeps him busy behind the camera for such shows as NCIS New Orleans and Preacher. In his own words he describes himself as “Director and assistant director of film and television. Former chef and award winning craft mixologist, lover of wines and women! Traveler and writer”…how good is that?

Tony Cimino and Me
Anthony, “Tony” Cimino joins our team as Co-Executive Producer which includes all facets of The Permanent Tourist You Tube Channel, Podcast, Blog and Webpage. Tony has produced over 100 live stage performances as Executive Director of Murfreesboro Tennessee’s Center for the Arts. A graduate Of Loyola University, Tony has worked both behind and in front of the camera. He hosted a restaurant review show, produced by award winning producer/director David Silvian which aired on Public Radio, WYES, in New Orleans. A talented actor, singer and dancer, Tony brings so much talent to this project! I can’t wait to work with him.
Sky Lee is the next team member. As Production Coordinator she’ll work closely with Eddie Budd, learning the business from the ground up. And there’s me…Executive Producer and Host. The Permanent Tourist is my baby. I am so thrilled to see what is happening with it now. I began this journey on St. Simons Island, GA in February of 2013. I’ll be finding interesting guests and locations to share with readers and listeners.
As my readers know I am passionate about all things culinary and any of the arts. I live in the perfect place to capitalize on that as well as the rich culture here in New Orleans and on the North Shore. Our show will tape at various restaurants throughout the area. We will enjoy a meal with wine as we talk with restaurant owners, chefs and a special guest on each show. Artists, musicians, authors, local celebrities and so much more. The world is our oyster and we’re moving forward! So get ready! I’ll announce the first show as soon as we’re ready to fly. We have four on the schedule already as the excitement and momentum builds.
7 Responses
Sally Says:
I’m so happy for you! This is a perfect avenue for your amazing talents! Love you and know this will be a success and a delight for all your followers! Love you!!
Del rosal Bonnie Says:
WOW! Incredibly exciting news of progress! So happy for you and Sky on this adventure! Happy birthday indeed Sky!
Susan Says:
Yeah! Good luck, Melissa
Bre Harris Says:
I am so excited for you. Can’t hardly wait to see what all you share with your talented team for our enjoyment.
Jean S Breed Says:
I am so happy for you…..this sounds so exciting and Pat and I wish you every success!!!❤❤ Get ready world….here comes Melissa!!!!????????
Sylvia Dickey Smith Says:
Oh my gosh! Have you been busy!!! I feel famous just knowing you!
Holly McClure Says:
Excellent news. Glad to see you living your dream.