Finally Friday!

It’s been a crazy week!  Apologies to all of my readers for a couple of missed posts!  I’m in week six of recovery from the knee replacement surgery I had in June.  A reaction to the prescription drugs I’ve been taking put me under a bit, but I’m back at it and planning lots of interesting posts in the coming weeks!  I go to Emory for my six week check-up next week and expect great news.  In the meantime, I’m sharing one of my favorite cold summer soup recipes, Cold Summer Borscht.  I first tasted this delicious soup while living in Manhattan.  This is a staple part of any good New York deli.  The earthy goodness of the beets combined with the bit of cider vinegar and a sprinkling of fresh dill make this a refreshing summer meal.  Paired with some rustic dark rye bread and a butter lettuce salad with fresh cucumbers thinly sliced and garlic vinaigrette make this a winner!  I hope you’ll try it and enjoy it as much as I do!

cold borscht

Cold Summer Borscht


½ cup cider vinegar (I prefer the unfiltered variety)

1 quart beet juice, found in the kosher section of most

2 cups vegetable broth

1 red onion, coarsely chopped

1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped

1 can beets, drained or 1 bunch fresh beets, steamed until soft, peeled and cut in chunks

1/4 cup chopped fresh dill

Sea Salt to taste

1 dozen small red potatoes boiled until tender and chilled

Plain Greek yogurt or sour cream for garnish

Put cider vinegar, beet juice and stock into a large mixing
bowl. Puree beets, onion and cucumber in a food
processor or blender. Add the vegetables to the liquid and
stir well. Stir in the dill weed and salt to taste. Refrigerate
at least two hours. Place a couple of the potatoes in each
serving bowl, ladle the soup over the potatoes and top
with a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt or sour cream and a sprinkling of
dill. Serves 8.

2 Responses

  1. Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:

    It sounds delicious — I’ve never tried this soup. I always like to try new tastes and I would think a New York deli would definitely know how to make this delicious soup. It sounds simple and the ingredients would be easy to get. I was getting concerned about your absence — I was ready to email you today to inquire.

  2. Melissa Says:

    I’m alive and continuing to get well, Marisa. I hope you’ll enjoy this recipe! It is so easy. I prefer using fresh beets when they are available!

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