Cross Fit Grit!






I’m featuring a post from the past as I continue my trip on Eagle Island.  With the holiday’s coming it seemed “fitting” to repost “Cross Fit Grit”.  The season of over-indulgence is coming and we’ll all be thinking about getting rid of a couple of extra pounds!  Enjoy this again and THINK FIT!

I finally have the answers I’ve been searching for in regard to the fitness rage known as “Cross Fit”.  I met with Todd Thompson of “Cross Fit Grit” here on St. Simons Island and he shared his story as well as the history of the program first started by Greg Glassman, Olympic gymnast who sought to strengthen his body in order to meet the demands of competition.


Todd began Cross Fit Grit in 2008.  Always athletic, which goes with being a firefighter, but missing something.  He continues his work with the Fire Department today, but his fitness program has changed since he found Cross Fit.  As trainer, Todd sees results in his clients.  He sees them shed their problems, their worries and issues as they begin to workout and see results. Cross Fit is a great form of therapy, leave your troubles at the door and get into the moves…it all melts away.


He refers to it as functional fitness.  He works with clients through high intensity integral training to improve their cardiovascular as well as respiratory systems.  They learn about the proper form of movement and how to create movement that works with their bodies to strengthen their core and increase their endurance.


This is not just another gym…far from it!  The space at 201 Skylane Drive is referred to as a “box”.  It is a large, square room filled with various training equipment and a sound system that gets ramped up to fill the room with a beat you just cannot be still too when a session begins.


Each member of Cross Fit Grit is getting personal training.  A program that is specifically put together with their individual needs in mind.  Yes, they work out together, but even if you’re the last to finish you are cheered on.


There is a sense of community here.  The ninety plus members of Cross Fit Grit congregate for workouts on the beach over weekends, then gather again for cookouts with a healthy emphasis on lean animal protein, locally bred, fed and humanely processed.  Lots of fresh vegetables, fruit and nuts.  We’ll get to the actual eating program next week.  I have to say I’m intrigued.


The glow of health that emanates from Todd is impossible to miss.  He walks his talk and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge and training with others.


Todd speaks specifically of women and the loss of inches, accompanied by a vast increase in self confidence he witnesses each time a female client finds her zone with the workouts and begins to experience the physical changes that are inevitable.


Cross Fit pushes you to your limit, but you are not alone.  You’ll be surrounded by your friends, pushing theirs as well.  It’s about fitness, it’s about health…’s about community.  Cross Fit provides workouts for the fit as well as for those going through rehabilitation for various sports injuries and joint issues.  But when you begin to look awesome and feel the energy….you just have to keep going!  To read more about Cross Fit click here:

Cross Fit Grit – 201 Skylane Drive – St. Simons Island, GA 31522 – 912-996-4091


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