I’ve been thinking a lot lately about habits I have, words that I use and other things I do mindlessly. The list is longer than I would like. I am working to live consciously. “Beyond Fear”, a book by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of “The Four Agreements” changed my life a little over ten years ago. It opened my mind to the fact that we can control our thoughts. It also made me aware of the fact that, from the time we are born, we are imprinted by our parents, peers, siblings and, especially in today’s world, the media. When I was growing up there were no computers, iPads and certainly no cell phones. It was a simpler time. But still the imprints formed and the awareness I now have of them makes it a bit easier to work not to let them control my life and my thoughts. It is a matter of consciousness, of thinking before speaking. I work to make sure whatever I am going to say is necessary. So many times in the past I simply reacted, not thinking of what effect my words would have on the situation or, especially, on the person involved. Learning to think before speaking is so important.
I challenge you to look at the IMPRINTS in your life. Make a list of the things you think about yourself that may not even apply any longer. We have been imprinted with everything that defines who we are….in the eyes of others. Our value systems are formed by imprinting. Think about clearing as many of these imprints out of your life and becoming a sort of empty slate with which to work. What fun to recreate who you are, how you dress and express yourself. Be creative….have fun! Let your inner child go wild with ideas and projects. You’ll find your life changing in ways you never imagined. Learn to love and cherish each day as a new adventure. And if you find your self stuck…get out of the situation that is causing you to feel that way or reinvent yourself within the situation so that you can experience joy and fulfillment. Make it a great “hump day” today! Get going!
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Melissa |
Wednesday Word |
05 11th, 2016 |
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