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About two minutes after the news broke yesterday morning, I saw the post on Facebook sharing the word of Maya Angelou’s passing.  As I read the report, silent tears streaming down my face, I realized how connected we have all become through use of the internet and all of the modern day media that broadcasts news just as it happens, internationally.

maya angelou's palm poem

I felt the loss of a dear friend as I watched the various videos of her speaking, reading her poems, so filled with wisdom and inspiration.  I posted one of her quotes just the day before, never imagining that her life was nearing its end.

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Maya Angelou was a self made woman…..against all odds.  She clearly had the courage to forge her own path and find her voice.  That voice was the source of solace, hope and determination for all those who followed her career and writings.

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“When you get….give.  When you learn…teach,”  Maya lived those words, making the world her classroom as she wrote about current issues, calling for PEACE for honesty, fair play, kindness and justice.  She leaves behind a legacy of excellence for women everywhere who face life’s challenges.  We come together with sadness as news of her passing spreads.  We must continue to speak and share her words, especially the word PEACE which she entreated us all to speak loudly.

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One of her poems touched my life at a time when I needed guidance and hope.  “Still I Rise” is a poem of strength and determination to continue to rise, no matter what the odds.  I share her words here with you today and ask that we all remember Maya Angelou, that we follow her lead to live a life that shines with the passion we have for living, just as she did.  Rest in peace, dear lady.

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you? 
Why are you beset with gloom? 
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken? 
Bowed head and lowered eyes? 
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you? 
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you? 
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs? 

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise. 


Holly’s Charleston

holly herrick on the beach

photo by Joe Loehle

I am so pleased to welcome Holly Herrick to The Permanent Tourist as she launches her fabulous new site from Charleston, South Carolina!  We were connected via the wonderful Southern chef, Nathalie Dupree and my dear friend, Chef Matthew Raiford.  The rest is history!

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With her lovely dog Tann Mann and a cat named Chutney…..

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Holly makes her home in Charleston where she is a well known chef, food writer and author of seven cookbooks to date.

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Holly is a graduate of the French Cordon Bleu in Paris…..(that’s her second from the right)

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She puts together the yummiest dishes to tempt us with and recipes to guide us in our own culinary pursuits.

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Holly was a food writer for The Courier and Post from 2000-2007, sharing Charleston’s vast world of restaurants, bistros and markets with readers.

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I am so thrilled that she chose to join me and Tamra Bolton, the Texas Permanent Tourist, on this wonderful journey we have embarked upon.  I think we’ve got lots to look forward to over the coming months as we build The Permanent Tourist, making it an international resource for travel and fine living.  We’re searching for just the right person in the Savannah, GA area and Jacksonville, FL…….and on from there as we spread the joy of living the good life with readers around the globe.


Take a look at Holly’s site here:  Leave her a comment and follow her daily to learn all about beautiful Charleston and the Lowcountry.  I know you’ll love it and learn so many interesting things as Holly shares her passion for all things Charleston!


To celebrate Holly’s new site we’re doing a GIVEAWAY!  One lucky person will win a copy of her fabulous “Southern Farmer’s Market” cookbook.  It’s filled with yummy recipes and lovely photos.  The perfect summer cookbook for tips on preparing local produce!  Leave a comment to enter!

New Dimensions

donna macpherson

Donna MacPherson is a master photographer.  Her images of nature all around Coastal Georgia are clearly stunning making them an excellent addition to any art collection.

golden glow web

She captures the dimension and energy of the subjects she photographs…..

skimmin web

Be it a photo of sea birds skimming the ocean waves…..

Shell Erotica web

Or an in depth look at the beauty of sea shells swirling with color and texture.

Doris wweb

Donna is passionate about what she does.  She has taken her work into a new dimension using mannequin forms that are then decoupaged with her photographs.  She creates a dimensional piece of art with this technique that tells a story in a very unique way.

Water Play Web

Inspired by her life here on St. Simons Island, Donna is constantly surrounded by subject matter in and around her home that is situated right on the beach.

Dancing Sea web

You’ll be able to view her work at Goodyear Cottage on Jekyll Island throughout the month of June with an opening celebration on Sunday, June 8th from 1 – 3:00 in the afternoon.   Another show follows when Donna will be showing her photography at the Glynn Art Association during the Coastal Photographers Show.  To read more about Donna, her photography and her life visit her site:  All of her images are available in various sizes.  These are wonderful pieces to collect for yourself or to give as a gift.  Donna’s work captures Coastal Georgia to perfection.

Maestro Haza’s Salute

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On May 19th the Coastal Symphony of Georgia is offering a very special evening, an evening to pay tribute to local wounded warriors.  Luis Haza, conductor, considers this event “an artistic expression of gratitude” to those who have helped keep our freedoms in tact.  Maestro Haza knows first hand how dear those freedoms are.  You see, Luis Haza began his life in Cuba.  His father was assassinated by Castro’s regime.  He and his mother fled the country and came to America in order to survive.  This concert is a way to say thank you in a huge, musical way.

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Glynn Academy Concert Choir

This concert is particularly exciting since it will feature a chorus of 100 local singers from both the CSG Chorus and students from the Glynn Academy Concert Choir.  Vocal selections include music from Verdi’s famous opera, Aida, The Battle Hymn of the Republic and other pieces you’ll know and enjoy.

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I have long said that music is the tie that binds us all.  It is an unspoken language that is Universal, it knows no race, color or prejudice of any kind.  Purely written, performed and shared, music has the ability to heal, to bring together and to form the core of a community that feeds the soul.

Wounded Warriors and families

Wounded Warriors and families

The wounded warriors program is so very important to returning troops.  The work this group performs both locally and nationally is so needed by both our military service people and their families.  What could be more uplifting than an event performed especially for these special people?

glynn academy auditorium

The performance begins at 8:00 on Monday evening, May 19th.  Glynn Academy Memorial Auditorium is the site for event.  Tickets are available at Hattie’s Books, St. Simons Drugs and online at  You may also purchase tickets at the door the evening of the event.

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Last but not at least…’ll be inspired by the orchestra as it plays The 1812 Overture, a piece that always brings me to my feet!  Come celebrate this wonderful event and help the Maestro say THANK YOU.

Visions of Mermaids


From the moment I laid eyes on the work of Ed Hose I became instantly enchanted by her fabulous artwork!  I finally met with Ed last week and got to know the genius behind the canvas.


Whimsical is an understatement for Ed’s style.  Her colors, swirls and twirls remind me of the great 60’s artist, Peter Maxx.

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She loves her work, it’s that simple.  I found Ed sketching away at Tipsy McSway’s in downtown Brunswick, her pencil creating the outline of a  new piece.


Ed produces beautiful invitations, announcements, murals…you name it.  I think one of my favorite things she designs are the adorable life sandwiches, portraits that tell the story of the person she portrays, such a unique gift idea!


Her artwork combines hands on drawing and design and then her expertise with photoshop comes into play to create the colorful finished pieces.  Ed illustrates adorable work for children’s and other books.  She works nationally with clients who seek out her work.


See more of Ed’s work and read about her life here:  The blog she writes on this site is always clever and entertaining as Ed shares her life with readers.  Oh….and when I asked her why she is fascinated by mermaids and features them in so many of her posts her surprising answer was…..”I don’t like to draw feet!”.  I love it and I am will continue to be a huge fan!

Photographing Holly


I’m welcoming Holly Herrick to The Permanent Tourist family as she prepares to launch her site this month from Charleston, SC.  You’ll hear more about Holly another day but I wanted to share the time we spent on the beach with Joe Loehle, taking photos and having way too much fun.

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The site is Gould’s Inlet, one of my favorite spots.


At low tide you can walk out onto sand bars and feel as though you’re walking on water….


At high tide there is not as much beach but still a beautiful place…..

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Joe and Holly tried different poses, getting it all just right.  I had fun photographing him while he took shot after shot of her.

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I always feel a renewed sense of delight that I live on St. Simons Island and get to experience this bliss whenever I want to.  Embracing my life, loving my work and knowing all is well…’s a very good way to live and for this I start each day with two little words….Thank You!

For David….

david's lillies

David’s Lilies

There are times when I get so busy I’m not aware of the passing of time.  Each day blends into the next in glorious repetition and I go with the flow.  By now, dear readers, everyone knows my love for flowers.  My cousin, David Beaty, and I grew up together in Texas, lost each other over years of moving around the country and then reconnected at a family reunion in the early 2000’s.  David, a creative free spirit like myself, and I instantly knew we were kindred souls.  Each morning I would receive eFlowers from David…I never knew what he might send, but I have saved everyone of them over the past three or four years.

davdi's passion flowers

David’s passion flowers

When I did not receive flowers I knew something was up.  David began to share his health issues with me over the past few months and his stays in and out of the hospital.  His home in Petaluma, California seemed a world away from this little island off the Southern coast of Georgia.  I knew he had family and friends but I still felt the distance.  And then the e-mails stopped coming as of last Sunday.  David passed from this life early Saturday morning, it almost feels unreal not being able to see him one last time, knowing we’ll never have another smart aleck text message exchange or emails where we discuss our lives, challenges and loves.

david's stairway to heaven

Stairway to heaven?

Life is fleeting, I am acutely aware of this as the years pass.  Caring for my parents and watching them deal with their limited time on this Earth has ushered a lot of this awareness into my consciousness.  Over the past couple of weeks David’s daily eFlowers had changed in subject matter.  One recent photo was of deep space, I kidded him saying it looked like the stairway to heaven, and he agreed.  I wonder if he sensed what was happening, such a sweet, creative spirit, David exuded sensitivity in all that he did.

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David Beaty

So today I felt guided to dedicate a post to my cousin.  His family grieves for him, his co-workers and friends and his beloved basset hounds.  Life is precious…..let your loved ones know how you feel….and take a look at your life.  If you’re holding back, not going after a dream or pursuing your passion then start…..start today….live your life with purpose.  I’ll miss my flowers, but most of all, I’ll miss a man who has become a dear friend. I’ll treasure the memories forever.

Sweet Smells of Success

amelia bath and body

I met Janet Brown at the recent Art In The Park event that brought so many wonderful artists and artisans together for a weekend of fun.

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Her booth, set up with all sorts of lotions and potions, attracted me instantly.  It’s a day neither of us will ever forget since recent knee issues had me in a wheelchair….totally not my style!  Janet is full of sparkle and high energy, two traits I love in a new friend!  Southern charm and a good head for the mixing of just the right ingredients to make these wonderful products serves her well!  Janet has combined her love for chemistry, biology and caring for others in this business and it shows.

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Passion for her work radiates from her very being.  She loves working with essential oils, various butters and other healthy components that make up her line of soaps, lotions and creams for a healthy mind, body and spirit.  Fragrance has always played a role in Janet’s life as her mother filled her home with lovely aromas.  Janet shared with me the fact that her mother was very hard of hearing, relied on reading lips and heightened her sense of smell as a result of her hearing challenges.  It is not unusual for one of our senses to become stronger as another weakens.

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Janet began this work after attending a class that ignited her interest in exploring and creating her own line of products.  Amelia Bath & Body is the result!  Janet has created a fabulous line of hand made soaps that are preservative, gluten, detergent and additive free.  Her soaps are also Vegan, no animal fat is used in her formulas.  This is a product line of pure skin care that is healthy as well as luxurious.  I love her “Eye Dots” and have been dabbing them on twice a day on the fragile skin underneath my eyes….love this product!  I’m working my way through the line and will be trying lotions, creams, balms and scrubs next.  Pure luxury and affordable too!  Ohhhhh….what lovely Mother’s Day gifts these products would make!  Put an assortment together and indulge yourself or your Mom in something wonderful!

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Visit Janet’s on-line shop at Etsy… for more information.  And if you happen to be at a local festival where Janet is displaying her creations, stop by and say hello!  You’ll be met with her winning smile and gift for making you feel instantly at ease!

The Subject Is Light

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An artist working in any medium knows the value of working with light.  Shadows, highlights…..light provides excitement in any work of art.  It is what makes the piece come to life, to inspire and attract us with its beauty.

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Jennifer Broadus and Hank Wysocki are artists who work in different mediums but both are keenly aware of the substance and importance of light in their work.  Jennifer, a well known oil painter, lives and paints fantastic landscapes that portray Coastal Georgia as well as works of historic landmarks.  She uses light to ignite the canvas, masterfully creating lifelike visions of the beautiful marshes, rivers and other sites we see all around us.  Hank is a stained glass artist, also an area resident.  Light is inherent in his work as it brings the colors of the different glasses he uses to life.

Goodyear cottage

During the entire month of May you can view the work of these two talented artists on Jekyll Island at the Goodyear Cottage, located in the historic area leading up to the Jekyll Island Club.  The venue i the perfec placet to showcase the work of both artists as high ceilings and plenty of natural light create the backdrop for the show that will debut on Sunday, May 4th.  A champagne celebration will take place from 1-3 that afternoon.  Over fifty of Wysocki’s stained glass works will be on display in the gallery windows and more than forty of Ms. Broadus’ pieces will be displayed as well.

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Plan to attend this coming Sunday to celebrate and support these talented artists and their work!  These shows inspire and communicate the beauty of Coastal Georgia in a way nothing else can.  As I have long said, art is the core of a community, it is what brings people together.  It is the heartbeat that unites us!









Worthy of Trust and Confidence

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I think my favorite thing about writing this blog is connecting with people of great character with stories to share.  Artists, authors, business owners….people who are passionate about what they do and what they believe.  I met Don and Linda Brewer through a mutual friend and we have gotten to know each other as we have met to plan their time with me on the radio show and also to discuss Don’s work as an author.

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You’ll hear more on Saturday when the radio show will be in my post.  Don is a survivor of esophageal cancer, leaving with him with vocal chords and a high tech mechanism he speaks through.  His story is inspiring and one I know you’ll enjoy hearing.  Read more about Don and his story at:

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Don’s book, “Worthy of Trust and Confidence” is an adventure involving time travel and the way it affects the lives of three children. I don’t want to give the story away!  It’s a great read that will hold your interest, perfect for taking to the beach this summer!  By the time summer rolls around, Don and Linda will be at their home in Cotopaxi, Colorado enjoying cooler weather.  They live a life that includes the best of both worlds.  Winter and spring here on the island…summer and autumn in the Rocky Mountains.  It doesn’t get any better than that!  I hope you’ll listen in to hear the story of this great man!  If you live in Coastal Georgia, tune in tonight at 7:05 EST to WWEZ 94.7 fm or live stream from

Don & Linda Brewer

In the next couple of weeks they’ll be loading up their two beautiful Peruvian horses and heading West!  I’ll be looking for their return…it’s good to have wonderful friends!