There are times in our lives when we meet someone with amazing talent. When I met with Peggy Everett last week I immediately knew I was in for a treat. Peggy is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever met, she is a genuine person. I immediately felt a kindred spirit when I saw her book collection….I know it’s wrong to covet, but anyone who loves fine books would find it difficult not too!
The passion Peggy has for painting is evident on every canvas hanging in her home/studio.
She captures the essence of a horse, it’s coat glowing with a light that has haunting irridescence. Peggy’s attention to detail is masterful.
Her knowledge and use of the “Plein Air” method of painting particularly attracted my attention. “Plein Air” is the French term for painting outdoors. This method became wildly popular during the French Impressionist period when artists like Monet and Renoir painted outdoors, bringing the light of nature into their famous works.
If someone asked me to describe Peggy Everett I would have to say that she is a Renaissance Woman. Her interests go beyond painting and artwork to cooking, horseback riding, travelling, golf, bridge and fine wines…oh, and that book collection….I could sit for hours, literally, devouring each one! She constantly feeds her natural curiosity and zest for living. She is, to put it simply, ageless.
Peggy offers instruction to private students as well as to groups. You can find out more about these classes on her website: You’ll also be able to view more of her fabulous paintings on the site.
Peggy’s paintings of horses and dogs are spectacular. She captures the essence of the animal in a way that brings life to the canvas.
She was raised in Atlanta, Georgia and began her instruction in painting at the age of 15. She studied with the Shatoff’s, well-known portrait artists. She also sold her first painting at the age of 15, a true phenom from the very beginning. Peggy went on to build her career as an artist of note as she studied abstract painting in New York City. Most recently she studied at the Academy of Fine Art in Florence, Italy. She continues to grow and stretch her boundaries in a way that provides her artist’s eye with inspiration and fresh ideas.
Peggy works in both oil and acrylic. She enjoys working with private clients to paint commissioned works that portray everything from their beloved dogs and horses to children and grandchildren.
This is the part of my work that feeds my soul. Getting to meet a stimulating person like Peggy Everett and experience her essence is invaluable. This is a woman I could easily call “friend”. I left my meeting with Peggy itching to get my paintbrushes and tubes of paint out of storage and fill the empty canvasses that lay in boxes in our garage. But I think I may need some private instruction as well. She is an inspiration!