A State Of Grace


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I like the idea of living in a state of grace!  Each day brings something new to be grateful for.  Whether it’s talking with someone really interesting on The Permanent Tourist radio show….learning about upcoming events…..or stepping through each door as it opens…..I’m always saying thank you!

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I’m truly grateful for new friends and opportunities that present themselves to me.  Things I might never even have thought of before!  One of those opportunities presented itself yesterday so I have to share it with you all!

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When I first began writing this blog I wanted to meet new people and discover more of the history that is so rich here in the Golden Isles.  I wanted to experience the wonder of life in this amazing place.  In the book, “The Grace Process” by Lori Leyden, she talks about living in a state of gratitude, love, joy and wonder.  By so doing there is scientific evidence that the front part of our brain, where we experience joy and happiness, is literally triggered and we experience a higher brain resonance.  Think about how you feel when you are simply happy with you life, joyful for all that you have and thinking positive thoughts?  That’s what I’m talking about!  That sense of contentment that brings such peace!  I also wanted to help promote the arts…all kinds of art from music to the culinary arts….never in my wildest dreams did I realize what might happen!

coastal symphony

With that in mind, when Sharon Flores, President of the board for Coastal Symphony of Georgia, called and invited me to lunch I was delighted!  I adore Sharon and always have such a great time with her.  When she mentioned that another board member, Susan Garrett would be joining us I was excited to see her as well.  Both ladies have been guests on the radio show, I love their energy and zest for life!  That lunch took place yesterday and I am thrilled to announce that I have accepted a position on the board to help with marketing our wonderful symphony.  I could never have dreamed such a thing would happen when all of this began a little over two years ago.


For this and so many other things I am so grateful.  I’m saying little prayers of thanks and moving right along as news on the first of my children’s book came to me yesterday as well.  Galley’s will be here next week and I’ll begin the work of setting up book signings….marketing and working with my publisher to get the show, literally, on the road. Here’s a “sneak peek” at the cover…all illustrations are by the fabulously talented Ed Hose.  I love sharing good news!  And I thank you all for reading, sharing and supporting me on this journey!  It’s great to have so many amazing friends!


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