A Sign of Good Luck!



While putting new plants in containers on our deck the other day a ladybug landed on my right hand.  Ever so gently I could feel its little legs moving around on my arm.  Did you know it has long been considered good luck to have a ladybug light on your body?



Ladybugs are a good thing in any garden.  Farmer’s promote their growth in fields where they protect crops from other insects such as aphids and sap feeders.  A single ladybug can eat more than 5,000 aphids during its lifetime.

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This cute little red bugs is from the beetle family.  Beetles have long been symbolic in Asia and in Egypt they became the most highly valued religious symbol.  Christianity finds this sweet little bug mentioned as a sign from the Virgin Mary when they appeared in a multitude on endangered crops after people prayed for protection for their fields.



You can purchase these productive little creatures at most garden centers this time of year.  Set them free in your flower and vegetable beds and let them get to work!

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If one happens to land on you, let it be and then go buy a lottery ticket!  You just never know!


2 Responses

  1. Harold Michael Harvey Says:

    Thanks for this lucky tip.

  2. Harold Michael Harvey Says:

    I was unaware of these facts about the lady bug. I’m headed to the local garden center to buy some bugs. Thanks.

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