A New York Fashion Event!

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We live on this wonderful island, the same size of Manhattan.  It’s hard to imagine this when you picture New York City, its skyscrapers and pulsing energy.  On Thursday evening, March 13th you’ll be in for a treat when you attend the Sea Island Fashion Event at The Cloister on Sea Island.


Zang Toi is coming to Sea Island Fashion Week  with 32 different looks carefully selected from his 2014 Spring and Fall Fashion Collections.  Fashion Avenue News says, “Zang Toi is fashion!”  What began during a chance meeting with Steve Moore, President of Evelyne Talman and Cloister Collection, during a flight layover in Paris ended in a lasting friendship that will now give all attending the show an unforgettable experience.

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This talented, vibrant designer infuses all of his creations with that energy to the delight of his faithful clientele.  His fashions have been featured in Vogue, Vanity Fair, Time and Newsweek.  The famous editor of Vogue Magazine, Anna Wintour championed Zang’s work in 1990 sending him soaring into the fashion world like a sky rocket.  His recent show during New York’s famed fashion week, entitled “Black and Blue Ballet” was hailed a masterpiece by fashion lovers worldwide.

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The event supports the Coastal Symphony and the beautiful programs it presents to music lovers in the Golden Isles.   Dotty Anne Smith at Evelyne Talman contacted Symphony president, Alice Barlow, about hosting a show to benefit the Symphony.  Barlow then connected with Susan Imhoff, chair of The Symphony Society.   They contacted Sea Island about holding this fabulous event at The Cloister and the planning began.  Other members of the Society, Sharon Flores, Sibby Gruber and Susie Salvatore joined in to plan an evening you will simply love!

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You’ll feel the beat of the music, the energy in the air…..the pure magic of a truly New York fashion event!  Supporting Coastal Symphony of Georgia could not be more enjoyable or exciting!

Tickets for this event are available at Evelyne Talman, located at 3031 Frederica Road on St. Simons Island, 912-638-3470.  



2 Responses

  1. Jean Hurst Says:

    Nicely done, Melissa.
    I look forward to seeing you there.

  2. Melissa Says:

    Thank you Jean! I’m really looking forward to this show!

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