A Friendship Garden

I love gardening, as I have mentioned in other posts.  My raised bed is set to grow with everything necessary for a delicious cutting board salsa, ratatouille or other summer veggie dish.


In the front yard I started from ground zero almost four years ago.  Mr. T and I worked side by side, digging, planting and planning what to put where.


Not sure of how things grow in Georgia, I took it slow, planting one garden on the side of our yard just to try things out.  Caladium bulbs have begun to grow again….something I love about the South!


Then I wanted to expand but wasn’t sure what to put where.  Our sandy soil makes a beautiful yard of grass difficult.  We defined the space we wanted to use and began to prepare the soil.


Instead of putting thousands of dollars into the new space I transplanted from what was already growing well in the original garden.


Then friends began to give me cuttings and offshoots of plants from their gardens.


What has resulted is an overflowing garden filled with lovely plants and flowers that constantly remind me of the friends who gave them to me.


My friendship garden, as a neighbor refers to it, will grow and change just as my friendships will…the memories will always remain.



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