Simple Sundays

I love the music of Loreena McKennitt.  I can trace my family back to a Scotts/Irish heritage, although I really don’t know who arrived in the United States to being our family tree here.  I’ll look into that when I have some spare time….laughing about that!  My life is full to overflowing with goodness at this time.  The first in the “Emmeline” children’s book series is about to be released by my publisher with the most amazing illustrations by local artist, Ed Hose.  Press kits are being put together, book signing’s scheduled and lots of buzz going on about the whole thing.  My dream of being a published author is finally coming true!  I finished the second in the series this past week and off it went to my editor!  This is more fun than I could ever have imagined!

So, without further ado, I’m sharing this beautiful video on this quiet Sunday morning.  The lyrics to this song were first written by W.B. Yeats in 1893.  Haunting and beautiful!  I think you’ll enjoy the music!

One Response

  1. Ann Payne Price Says:

    Keep us posted re the book. Can’t wait.

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