What A Time It Was!

What an amazing weekend!  The gray skies finally cleared and energy filled the air!  We joined good friends for dinner on Saturday evening at Skippers in Darien, GA.  Yummy raw oysters and fried shrimp with a delicious house salad.

Then off we went on Sunday afternoon to Velocity Zone.  Our friends there have the most wonderful beach house.  It turns out to be the oldest house on the island.  The food was fantastic and the company even better as we enjoyed time with  my dear friend, Millie Wilcox.   Millie met Donna at the GVA ribbon cutting and, as artistic kindred spirits will, they instantly hit it off!  Sunday was all about getting to know each other and talking about future plans.

Look for more from Millie and Donna as they are teaming up to  feature Donna’s amazing photography in several different venues.

I’m beginning to realize that I could do an “out and about” segment on The Permanent Tourist, sharing what’s going on….with who….and all that’s happening with my many wonderful friends here on St. Simons.  What do you think?

We’re all in this together and it’s all so much fun!  Stay tuned for more news and more fun this week.  I’m loving it!

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