Simply Happy


It’s been gray and a bit dismal here on the island for the past few days.  When this happens I am reminded of the fact that I thrive on sunlight.  I’m not sure how people live in places like Seattle where it can be like this for days on end!  While dreaming of a sunny day I’ve been thinking about gratitude.

simple abundance

In 1995 Sarah Ban Breathnach began a series of books the first of which was entitled “Simple Abundance”.  I devoured this book and those that followed but, at the time, I don’t think I really “got it”.  Life happened at that point like a ride on the world’s biggest roller coaster.  I had yet to discover who Melissa really was.  I was familiar with the word gratitude but not so much how powerful it could be until I began to study this series of books.  I began to question who I was and, with a big gulp, travel within.  There was much hesitation and resistance to be fought at the time.  My journey has continued….


I truly believe that our thoughts are things and that we can create who we want to be, where we want to live and what we want to do deep down in our souls!  It takes a journey within and it takes admitting that we are blessed with our lives, that we have much to be thankful for and that this is a great adventure we can either choose to enjoy or suffer through.


Ms. Ban Breathnach now has a new book entitled “The Best Part Of The Day”.  It is marketed as a children’s book, but I’ve taken a look and it applies to all who read it.  She encourages sharing the best part of your day with your family and friends, having conversation and expressing gratitude.  I’m incorporating this into daily life in our home.  I think it is essential!

itinerary 2

My journey has brought me to this island, a place I never even knew existed until 2004.  I dreamed of living here, never knowing how that could possibly happen.  Not a day goes by that I do not say thank you, again and again.  I’m writing, my dream profession, and actually being published…..YIPPEEE!!!  Life is good as my journey continues.  I’m so happy to have readers to share it with.  2015 is off to a very good beginning!  Stay with me….it’s lift off time!

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