Slow Cooking!

Yes, I have been accused of being a “food snob”.  Having spent years in the kitchen, both of my restaurant and my home, makes that almost inevitable!  And for many years I considered having a “crockpot” or what we now term, a slow cooker, was never going to happen in my world!  But necessity prevailed and testing the waters became important as my life got busier.  A friend told me about a wonderful Hamilton Beach slow cooker with three sizes of pots for cooking more or less…whatever works.  I love this machine.  It has made my life easier when I use it on busy days.  And I’ve learned so much about making really good food in this little pal of mine!

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Searching for cookbooks that would guide me on my quest came next.  I began my journey through Google and found three cookbooks I’m treasuring.  Of course, I’m always altering, adding and changing, but the basics of each of these books by cookbook authors, Deborah Schneider and Michele Scicolone, have paved the way for many delicious meals that are ready when the family gets home in the evening.  The whole house smells warm and inviting with hints of onion, garlic and fresh herbs as we come through the door.  Dinner together is a very important ritual in our life.  It’s the time we share, discuss and connect.  Having a wonderful one dish meal with a good glass of wine completes the deal.

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I love The French Slow Cooker by Michele Scicolone.  Her recipes taught me the method of browning meats, veggies and beginning sauces before putting everything into the cooker.  This makes for a visually appealing dish as well as a delicious one!

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And Michele’s book, The Mediterranean Slow Cooker, is another winner.  We love the flavors and variety of this particular cuisine.  This book does not disappoint!

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Finally, The Mexican Slow Cooker, by Deborah Schneider, offers up soothing south of the border comfort foods for chilly evenings.

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I’ll be sharing specific recipes with you over the next couple of months while the weather is cool.


6 Responses

  1. Marisa Franca @All Our Way Says:

    How ironic! I’ve been on the hunt for a good slow cooker. We still have the $19.99 crock pot. We do use it occasionally but I want one that browns as well as the slow cooking. Thank you for the heads up on the cookbooks. I don’t think we’ve ever made a recipe — exception is baking– where we didn’t tweak it to match our tastes. There are so many cookbooks out there I certainly appreciate some hints. Thank yoy

  2. Melissa Says:

    So glad you like the post, Marisa. Tomorrow you’ll find a yummy recipe to follow-up on today’s post!

  3. Jan C. Says:

    Good info!

  4. Evelyn Says:

    I did not know there was a slow cooker with the 3 size option! Must investigate! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Stefanie Says:

    I have two questions about the French slow cooker cookbook:

    1a. Are the recipes easily cut down to two or three servings?
    1b. If not easily cut, what size slow cooker is necessary to make the recipes?
    2a. Do most of the recipes involve mushrooms/truffles/truffle oil?
    2b. If so, would the dishes suffer from not having them? (We have a serious mushroom allergy in the family, so they do not enter the house.)

    Thank you!

  6. Melissa Says:

    Stefanie, I think the recipes might be fairly easy to cut down. I actually have a slow cooker that has three different sizes of pots for whatever size meal you desire to make. No, there is not a lot of mushroom or truffle…maybe in a few of the recipes, but that can always be left out.

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