Going With The Flow….

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I received a little sign as a gift last year that I am reading and re-reading.  It says “I’m Not Sure If Life Is Passing Me By Or Trying To Run Me Over”.  I have mixed feelings about this statement, especially since I pride myself on being an “eternal optimist”.  But I have to say that lately, I have resonated with that little line a bit more than I’d like too!

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So in order to get myself on track I’m spending time each day breathing deeply and saying thank you for the opportunity to be in my wonderful life.  With palms outstretched I ask for blessings to be bestowed; for abundance to shower down on me and trickle down to whoever else I come into contact with to receive as needed and asked for.  I’m asking for goodness, mercy and forgiveness as well.

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But at the top of my list is to stop RUSHING!  I recently read that rushing is a symptom of stress, that it actually creates fear and the feeling of not doing enough or being enough.  The morning I truly became aware of my tendency to rush I was getting into the shower, my mind buzzing with thoughts of what I had to do that day, where I had to go, who I would see, what I should wear….on and on.  I literally gave a silent scream of  “STOP!”  as I  applied my Wen hair products and took my favorite bar of “Sea Island” soap from Amelia Bath & Body in hand, lathering up a scrubbie.

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I actually caught myself rushing to get into the shower, get out, get dressed and get going.  Instead I stopped, after the silent scream, and took a long, deep breath.  I thought about this beautiful island I am so very thankful to live on.  I closed my eyes and continued breathing deeply as the hot shower water beat down on my body, savoring the feeling, the very experience of the aromatherapy from the products I used that day and feeling so grateful to have the time to enjoy this moment.

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It is, with firm resolve, that I now promise myself to take my time.  Why rush down Frederica Road just to get to the grocery store, or to anything for that matter.  Why rush when we can absolutely live on island time.  How amazing is that?   Think about it!  So I’m now stopping the rushing thoughts just as they begin, focusing on the here and now, taking a few deep, cleansing breaths and saying thank you three times with deepest feeling!  I invite you to try this the next time you feel the daily stress of life bearing down on you!  What have we got to rush around to do?  We need to take the time to enjoy each day, to experience the goodness of, to appreciate our loved ones and to be grateful for everything….yes, everything.  Even the hard times make us stronger and point out what is truly important.  Take that long walk, alone or with someone special you enjoy spending time with.  Think about what would make you happy each new day.  And then do it!  If you need to make changes in your life get started!  Don’t hesitate….time’s a wastin’….as my Granddaddy used to say!

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 Here’s to life…to experiencing and loving it….embrace this new year and make it your best one yet!

4 Responses

  1. Jan C. Says:

    Soooo true!

  2. Marisa Franca @All Our Way Says:

    You are right on the mark and I love your quotes and pictures. I find I’m trying to stop time just so I can appreciate the moment. I feel like I’m being shoved and I want to put on the brakes. Today will be the start of taking breaks throughout the day and appreciate the present. Thank you.

  3. Nancy K Says:

    timely. Being IN the moment is life’s purpose and I forget that way too much. Didn’t realize what stress that causes! TY

  4. Melissa Says:

    Ladies, I agree with you all and am so happy you enjoyed this post! I think we need to plan regular “play dates” with our girlfriends! It’s so important!

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