You may be expecting this post to be about the herb sage, as pictured in the photo above, but it’s not. Lest you get the idea that mine is a totally canine loving household, let me introduce you to Sage! Foodie that I am it makes sense for me to name one of our pets after a favorite cooking ingredient. Actually his intensely sage green eyes inspired the name!
Sage is the rescue cat who came to live with us three years ago. He is an independent cuss, as most animals of the feline persuasion tend to be! He let us know very readily that he did not wish to be an indoor cat. So we followed his lead by making him a comfy space on our deck with a view of the lagoon on our property. Sage also likes to curl up in a self made nest of pine straw and oak leaves where he basks in the sun for hours, with his head turned upside down, of course.
Surprisingly, when Murphy joined our family in November he and Sage became fast friends. Thank goodness, since I read that Wheaton Terriers and cats DO NOT mix. Sage was rescued by our local humane society from a home where he lived with eighteen other cats and several dogs. We think he probably cozied up to the dogs more than the other cats since he is so good at chasing off the various feral cats that live in our neighborhood.
When we lost our beloved yellow lab, Simon, last November, Sage wandered all over our property and even did a thorough search of the inside of our home crying and looking for his best friend. Here’s one of my favorite pictures of the two of them having a rest together.
Mr. T. is not a cat lover, but he gives in and provides a thorough back scratching to Sage when the cat appears on the deck or our front porch in the evenings.
Sage has us all trained to take care of his needs as he sees fit! Here’s to the independent cat!
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2 Responses
Shelli Says:
Је suis clairement en accord avec toi
Melissa Says:
Thank you!