Send In The Clowns


I meet interesting people everyday, no matter where I happen to be.  I’m writing about one such person today, Kathy Mashburn.  Kathy is not here in Coastal Georgia, she lives in Dalton, north of Atlanta.  We met at a writer’s conference last fall and have become friends, keeping in touch, almost on a daily basis by e-mail or on Facebook.  Ahhhh, Facebook, that’s a whole different subject.  It does help people remain connected and it’s a great way to promote and share one’s business.  Make sure to read all the way to the end of this post for a very special giveaway!


Kathy recently wrote a children’s book that is now published, “A Birthday Clown For Archer”.  Archer is Kathy’s grandson and he loves clowns.  But his mother does not.

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Did you know there really is such a thing as clown phobia?  Not everyone is attracted to the funny characters who bounce around at the circus or dare the bulls at a rodeo to catch them.  The actual term is “Coulrophobia”.


In Kathy’s book she deals with the fact that Archer wants  a clown for his birthday.  His mother is not so thrilled.  He proceeds to talk to her about how funny clowns are, how silly their wigs and round red noses are, but most importantly the fact that they are just people with lots of makeup on.


I love the way Kathy deals with the phobia issue in her book.  Archer actually helps his Mom come to terms with her fear and realize it doesn’t serve her.  Out of the mouths of babes…..wisdom and an open heart win the day


With the help of illustrator, Jo Linsdell, Kathy has created a precious book that young children love.  And hot off the press is a coloring book so young readers can let their colorful imaginations go wild as they decide what colors the clown should be!

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Kathy works with various school districts in their literacy programs and has other books ready to go to press to share with young readers.  Promoting literacy is a passion for Kathy, her books provide her with the perfect tool to help young readers turn on to books in a big way.


To read more about Kathy and to order a copy of “A Birthday Clown For Archer” visit:  You can also order the book through – please leave a review if this is your option!  AND….Kathy has graciously offered to “giveaway” one book to a very lucky reader!  Leave a comment, subscribe to The Permanent Tourist, and a drawing will be held Thursday, June 27th.  Thanks Kathy!


4 Responses

  1. Kathy Mashburn Says:


    It was truly a blessing to meet you. Thank you for supporting my work, and for the friendship we share. I am honored to be a featured on your blog. Big hugs ~ Kathy

  2. Barbara Says:

    What a lovely post, Melissa. I do wish I had grandchildren young enough!

  3. Chris Paleschic Says:

    Always love reading your blogs. Really liked this one!

  4. Melissa Says:

    Thanks Chris! Miss you!

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