A month or so ago my first novel was published. I took nine years to get it just right and I’m still not sure I did. I am, as always, my strictest critic. “Moonflowers” is a work of literary fiction with a supernatural twist that will keep you turning the pages.

I learned that putting your heart and soul into a story is sort of like giving birth. I cannot tell you how many times this book was reworked, rewritten and put back together again. “Moonflowers” spans the lives of five generations of women. Their loves and losses, their fear and passion and a dark secret they each must deal with in their own way.
This is a story of strong women and even stronger family ties. Each woman has her own voice and speaks to time she lives in and the history taking place around her. It is not your average book, but what else would you expect from me! I have to laugh when I think of doing anything ordinary!
I am just getting started with marketing and placing the book where it will sell and, hopefully, become a favorite of readers who enjoy something a bit different. Marketing is a whole new challenge with COVID 19 keeping book shows and conferences from happening.
For now you can find it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Moonflowers-Melissa-Lee/dp/1630412732/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Moonflowers+by+Melissa+Lee&qid=1599505978&s=books&sr=1-1
If you enjoy the story please leave a review on the page toward the bottom. That is what moves a book up on the charts! I would love to have a million copies out there! Anything is possible!