The North Shore/Google
What a week it has been! Being the primary caregiver to three adults, all of us living under the same roof, can be challenging at best. I’m so grateful to be here, doing what I do I cannot complain. Writing posts again has been therapy for me, as always. My trusty laptop has gone so many places with me as I have written over the past four years. It is a gift to me that I have faithful readers who support and follow me!
Thanks to all of you who commented on my “Test” post after getting my website cleaned up and running again. I sometimes wonder if those in foreign lands who “hack” our sites don’t have anything better to do! Really! Carnival season is beginning to rev up here in Louisiana! We attended our first party last night and have lots to look forward to with trips to parades in New Orleans coming up. But for now, it’s Sunday…..sit back, relax and fill your heart and our world with peace. Lord knows we need it! I have banned watching the news…any of it…fake, real or anything else. It’s not good for my health! Cheers to a wonderful day!