My website is back up!!! Thanks to my wonderful web master! Please let me know if you see this post and I’ll be up and running again!
13 Responses
Mary Welborn Pier e Says:
Yes, saw this post!
Melissa Lee Says:
Thanks Mary!
Melissa Lee Says:
Strange, I just replied, “Thanks Mary”.
Mary Welborn Pierce Says:
Correct spelling of my last name is Pierce!
Harold Michael Harvey Says:
Yes. I see it
Marisa Franca @ All OUr Way Says:
Saw it!
Babs Hastings Says:
Looking good!
Susan Young Says:
Got it!
Judith Says:
See it loud and clearly…with much love
Linda O'Meara Says:
Got it! I’m thrilled!
Babs Hastings Says:
See it!
Jean Hurst Says:
Congratulations on all your accomplishments You are an inspiration.
Jean Hurst -
Nichelle Olshefski Says:
Nice information!