My friends know how much I like gardening. Getting my hands in the soil, making sure everything is placed just so. Don’t get me wrong, my garden isn’t perfect by any means, it is a work in progress.

Needless to say, I was delighted to have some of my birthday gifts be about my favorite hobby. I cannot wait to take my gift card to Ace and find just the right new plants to fill in the spaces. And the three white hydrangea bushes that another gardening buddy gave me will be the perfect addition!

I have always loved hydrangea so I cannot wait to see how these will do! Of course I had to look up the history of this lovely plant. It originated in Eastern Asia. You’ll find them in China, Japan…..even in the Himalayas.

The blossoms are so beautiful when they come to full flowers!

Whether you like white, blue or pink this is a beautiful plant and it grows so well here. Just after azalea season the hydrangea begin to bloom and continue on until fall. The acidity of the soil determines color so I’m anxious to see what my blooms will actually be.

Spring is here, the island is in full bloom and I’m in my glory! Feeling great and enjoying easy island living….doesn’t get any better!
2 Responses
Ann Payne Price Says:
Gotta have hydrangeas. Ohhhh, these are so beautiful. Thanks.
Melissa Says:
I love them too Ann! So many beautiful colors and varieties.