Life is a never ending path of twists and turns. Just when you think you’ve figured it all out things change….life happens in ways you never imagined they could. I am right in the middle of all of this as health issues consume my family and leave me as caregiver for my beloved husband as well as my parents. I’m featuring photos from my own camera as well as my dear friend, Nancy Kirkpatrick, and other photographers whose work I love…life is in bloom…enjoy!

I am going through grief therapy, trying to find anything to help me hang on and fight the fight. I have been very private about this. This is why I have not been writing my blog for months now. No words could express what I am truly dealing with.

Rebecca Louise Law
Today, I began a new journey. I have connected with a wellness consultant, Carol O’Dell. Carol is a friend, fellow author and has healed her own body having been caregiver to her mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s. I’m looking forward to taking my health into my own hands. We talked today about how I can tune into my body to find out what it wants me to do.

Gentleness is the order of the day. My appetite has disappeared and I know, in order to be healthy, I have to address it before my health fails. I am not a disease, I am a work in progress.

So join me, if you will, as I journal and blog about my work with Carol. I expect it will be a very interesting time of self discovery and conscious eating. I’m excited! It’s one of the few things I have any control over. Life is wonderful at all stages. One has to embrace the “bad” with the good. It’s all a challenge! I look forward to sharing it all with you, my readers who have patiently waited for me to bring you into my new life. A life I am determined to live….to grow….to love! Because love, my friends, is all there is.
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Melissa |
Out&About |
06 13th, 2017 |