For as long as I can remember both my mother and my grandmother stressed the importance of good skin care. My first job after leaving college was at the headquarters of Estee Lauder in New York City and then onto the Borghese cosmetic company which was then a division of Revlon. I am always looking for that next great product, realizing that a good regimen for the skin leads to more graceful aging. I’ve been out in the sun a lot more than either my mom or her mother, which takes its toll, but that’s a done deal. Finding a skin care line I can rely on that provides good exfoliation and top quality products is very important to me. I first heard about Rodan & Fields from my friend, Betsy Loehle Knight. Betsy is Murphy’s wonderful dog groomer and is always interested in good health and self-care. I happened to see a before and after picture on Facebook of Betsy that showed a startling before and after picture of her skin. She has battled rosacea for years and finally found a product line that delivers amazing results.

Here is Betsy before and after using Rodan & Fields. What an amazing difference. She noticed a big improvement after just one month and continues using the Soothe line along with the “Redefine” line for anti-aging. Rodan & Fields is a product line formulated by the same two female doctors who came up with ProActive, which if you’ve helped your teenager battle acne, you’ll know is pretty miraculous.

There are four different types of care in the line along with a bounty of other items from an AMP MD System, micro-dermabrasion and exfoliators…the list goes on and on.

I’m showing these before and after’s so you can have a good look at the possibilities. Here is a before and after of a woman who uses the “Redefine” line I mentioned above. It helps reverse the results of aging and, when begun before the signs really begin, actually slow them down.

Next we have “Reverse”, the line for sun damage. We’ve all been out in the sun and know the effects that can have. This line actually improves the appearance of the skin as well as repairing on a cellular level.

And here’s R&F’s line for acne care. Amazing results!

Finally “Soothe” the line Betsy first began with last April. You saw her before and after above, here’s another one to have a look at. I rarely get behind a product line, but I’m truly impressed with what I’m reading and seeing. If you’d like to learn more you can contact Betsy here: betsyssi.myrandf.com. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Good, regular skin care is essential for our well-being, our health and our beauty. I highly recommend checking it out!
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Melissa |
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02 4th, 2015 |