Wednesday Word

I have always loved the word Pentimento.  Since reading Lillian Hellmann’s classic book with this title the whole process of pentimento has fascinated me.  It is a term most often used in the world of art as a painter changes their mind and paints over a prior image.  But I see life as a sort of pentimento.  We are all works in progress, part of the artwork of our Creator.  I don’t believe anything that happens to us is without reason or purpose, no matter how difficult it may be to believe when it is occurring.  Like an onion we have a core surrounded with layer upon layer of experience, emotion and discovery.  When we open our consciousness and truly begin to live, all of these layers can merge to form our true selves, we become whole.  To me, becoming whole is what life is all about.  We have to work at bringing all of the layers together and realizing that the past is the past.  We have NOW….celebrate each day and bless the layers that have created who you are!

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