Wednesday Word



I chose today’s word because we need to practice it daily.  Kindness is essential to our well being.  With today’s current political battle emerging it is even more important that we be kind to one another.  I find it shocking how low people can go with name calling, lies and downright hatred.   I am not pointing a finger at anyone, just watching it all and sadly shaking my head.  If we all concentrate a bit more on kindness and sending it out to everyone we meet each day it might just make a difference.  And, yes, it can be that simple!  The most important things in life tend to be.

Wednesday Word


Chef Dave Snyder's Summer Produce

Chef Dave Snyder’s Summer Produce

I am a Flexitarian!  People tend to laugh at me when asked what that means so I decided to use this word for today’s post.  As a flexitarian I choose what I want to eat.  I believe it means that I am a conscious eater.  I want to know where my food comes from and how it was raised.  I prefer organic produce, locally grown and in season.  I do not want to buy scallions from Mexico or fruit from any place that is not within 100 miles of our home.  In the instance of meat, which I very rarely consume any longer, I want to know how and where it was raised.  Grass fed beef that did not go through a slaughterhouse is my preference.  I can hardly bring myself to eat pork any long but will on occasion.  Chicken is still on the regular menu…one to two times a week.  But my favorite form of lean protein remains fish and seafood.  Living in the mecca of extraordinary food makes my choices very easy.  I have learned how to make a mean black bean burger and all sorts of meat substitutes that are easy and delicious.  I’ll share more about my choices and the impact they have on my overall health.  I feel great so something must be working!  Here’s to healthy eating!

Wednesday Word

Mosaic!  A word that speaks to so many different things.  Art… the first thing that may come to mind.  I am thinking of this word in regard to life today.  Each of us make a mosaic as we live our lives.  There are intricate twists and turns as well as places that flow gently.  All of our experiences come together to form the fabric of our lives.  The triumphs and pitfalls we live through all create the patterns of our lives.  I believe we can change things for the better through positive thinking and focus.  Think about it today and take a moment to close your eyes and see the mosaic you’d like your life to create.  I found this beautiful mosaic on-line and feel it expresses what I’d like my life to create.

Wednesday Word

I love this word!  Serendipity…things that happen by chance.  Have you ever dreaded going to a social event only to meet a new friend or even the love of your life?  Serendipity….life’s rewards that come unexpectedly.  Finding something good without looking for it is another definition.  When you go the extra mile simply because you love your work or situation you never know what the surprise will be.  I love knowing that the unexpected can happen.  Free your mind, erase your expectations and be joyous!  When you realize how much your mind can get in your way with thoughts that are negative or reactions that repeat time and again because you are programmed by years of events you’ll feel like a door has opened and new experiences can begin!

Wednesday Word

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about habits I have, words that I use and other things I do mindlessly.  The list is longer than I would like.  I am working to live consciously.  “Beyond Fear”, a book by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of “The Four Agreements” changed my life a little over ten years ago.  It opened my mind to the fact that we can control our thoughts.  It also made me aware of the fact that, from the time we are born, we are imprinted by our parents, peers, siblings and, especially in today’s world, the media.  When I was growing up there were no computers, iPads and certainly no cell phones.  It was a simpler time.  But still the imprints formed and the awareness I now have of them makes it a bit easier to work not to let them control my life and my thoughts.  It is a matter of consciousness, of thinking before speaking.  I work to make sure whatever I am going to say is necessary.  So many times in the past I simply reacted, not thinking of what effect my words would have on the situation or, especially, on the person involved.  Learning to think before speaking is so important.

I challenge you to look at the IMPRINTS in your life.  Make a list of the things you think about yourself that may not even apply any longer.  We have been imprinted with everything that defines who we are….in the eyes of others.  Our value systems are formed by imprinting.  Think about clearing as many of these imprints out of your life and becoming a sort of empty slate with which to work.  What fun to recreate who you are, how you dress and express yourself.  Be creative….have fun!  Let your inner child go wild with ideas and projects.  You’ll find your life changing in ways you never imagined.  Learn to love and cherish each day as a new adventure.  And if you find your self stuck…get out of the situation that is causing you to feel that way or reinvent yourself within the situation so that you can experience joy and fulfillment.  Make it a great “hump day” today!  Get going!


Wednesday Word

I love today’s word!  Impavid…fearless, undaunted.  Years ago I read a book by Don Miguel Ruiz, “Beyond Fear”, it changed my life.  I continue to study, to read and explore the things we feel and cannot see.  In Don Miguel’s book he talks about the fact that we are born without fear.  Fear is something that we learn.  Some of it is intuitive and some of it is learned from our parents, peers and others.  We are imprinted with all sorts of thoughts and feelings about fear but when you realize that the fear is only in your mind it puts things in a new perspective.  I like the concept that fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real.  The things I have feared the most never happened…think about it in your own life.  How many things that you dreaded and feared really turned out to be so.  I am making a concerted effort to be conscious of when these thoughts and feeling begin and, instead of reacting to them as I once would, looking at them, loving myself no matter what and realizing they are nothing more than a thought that I can change.  It is freeing!  So let’s work to be Impavid.  Some fear is healthy and necessary but so much of it is not.  Life is so much more fun when we work to be in a state of mindful joy and thankfulness!

Wednesday Word


This is a powerful word.  I chose it today in reference to how we do or do not nurture ourselves.  My personal journey has led me on a path of realizing how I have abandoned myself and my needs for everyone else in my life.  My parents, my husband…..caring for everyone BUT me.  I have landed on my feet, eyes wide open, realizing I have to nurture myself, to find self love without feeling selfish.  It isn’t selfish to care for ourselves.  In fact it is essential to our well being.  Take some time today to quietly go within and listen to your self talk.  Love who you are and find ways of expressing that.  Do something to nurture yourself and feel free to let me know what you experience!

Wednesday Word

As a writer I am constantly searching for interesting new words.  Words that are not common, that speak to how I feel and to what I believe.  Today’s word is from ancient Greece.  Agathist …..a person who believes that everything will ultimately turn out for the good.  Similar to the word optimist, an agathist focuses on the positive instead of dwelling on the negative “what ifs”.  The longer I live the more aware I become of the absolute fact that we are in charge of our attitudes.  We are in charge of choosing happiness, positive thought patterns and the people who make us feel good about life and about ourselves.  Yes, there are people who are literally toxic for us and we need to distance ourselves from them.  When you realize you are not a victim of anything except the thoughts you think and the decisions you make it is extremely freeing.  It takes practice.  The more you practice the more you’ll become aware of the many negative patterns and imprints you allow into your thoughts.  But they can be erased and reworked.  Being an agathist is a wonderful goal.  It doesn’t mean things we consider negative or “bad” will not happen to us, but our reactions to these things can be shifted so that we accept and move on.  Harboring negative thoughts is damaging mentally and physically.  So ponder on today’s word and see how it makes you feel.  Quiet your mind and focus on the positive.  Miracles can occur when you begin a daily practice of this!  I can guarantee it!

Wednesday Word

I’ve been thinking of this word a lot lately.  I am a creative soul.  I thrive on being creative.  The only times I find myself feeling low or down are times when I have neglected this all important part of my spirit.  If I allow myself to become depressed or overly concerned about daily living it literally negates my ability to create.  And, in the same turn, when I allow myself to let my imagination soar and I put my fingers on the keys of my computer, my pen on paper or my brush on a canvas all of the little things that really mean nothing disappear.  For this reason I am extremely concerned about the constant hacking away at the arts in our world today.  In schools the arts are not given the emphasis they deserve.  Children must be creative!  They cannot be put in a box and be expected to fit in.  They are each individuals just we all are.  Without creative expression we are just lost souls wandering around searching for happiness.  Today think of what brings you joy!  Even if it’s finger painting…..get out the paint and go for it.  Take your camera with you wherever you go to capture things of beauty.  Start writing your memoirs or that novel you know lies deep within you….even if you never get it published….DO IT!  CREATE!

Wednesday Word

Illusion…..  It has been said that life is an illusion.  Over my years of reading and studying it makes more and more sense to me.  All groups who practice positive thinking speak of thoughts being things and of our ability to create our own realities.  This concept puts the responsibility on each of us, as individuals, to shape our worlds and make them what we want them to be.  We are not victims in the scheme of things.  Once we realize that our “dis-ease” with our lives comes from the thoughts we think continually and the imprints made on our minds as children by our elders and peer group we begin to transform and our lives change forever.  Remember the children’s song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”?  I always love the line “Life is but a dream”.  I like the concept of creating Illusions.  Taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions is freeing in a way nothing else is.  Yes, I believe in a higher power and I think once we do take responsibility for the way we have chosen to live it is much easier to let go and let that power show us the way.  To me this is the challenge of living.  It is a challenge I embrace and work to achieve each day….always asking to be of service to others and be shown my path.  It’s not a path I may have chosen, but when one lets go the true path makes itself clear and we begin living from the heart and not the mind.